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World’s airlines will dramatically increase passenger traffic in 2022

Airlines worldwide increased passenger turnover in 2022 by 1.6 times (by 64.4%) compared to the previous year, according to data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

As a result, it recovered to 68.5 percent of its pre-pandemic 2019 level.

“The industry ended 2022 in much stronger shape than it started, as most governments lifted travel restrictions during the year because of COVID 19 and people took advantage of the restoration of freedom of movement,” said IATA CEO Willie Walsh. – That momentum is expected to continue into the new year, despite some governments’ overreaction to China’s opening.”

European airlines increased passenger traffic 2.3 times last year. Flight occupancy rose to 80.6 percent from 63.9 percent in 2021.

Traffic on domestic airlines in China fell 39.8% in 2022, while in India it rose 48.8%, in Japan 75.9% and in the U.S. 23.7%, according to the association’s report.

Global airline cargo traffic is down 8 percent from 2021. At the same time, it decreased by 1.6% relative to the 2019 figure.
IATA represents 300 airlines around the world, accounting for about 83% of global air traffic.