Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Auchan Ukraine’s revenue fell by 26.3%

Revenue of “Auchan Ukraine” in 2022, taking into account three closed hypermarkets amounted to 10.737 billion UAH, which is 26.3% below the results for 2021 (14.573 billion UAH), the press service of the company told the agency “Interfax-Ukraine”.

According to the financial statements, Auchan Ukraine’s losses for 2022 amounted to UAH 1.236 billion, while in 2021 the network’s profit amounted to UAH 296.7 million.

The company paid UAH 994.5 million to the state budget last year, which is 14% lower than the figures for 2021, when the network replenished the state treasury for UAH 1.156 billion.

As reported, in 2022, the Ukrainian unit received $25 million from the parent company. In February, the CEO of Auchan Retail International, Yves Claude, visited Ukraine and expressed his support for the Ukrainian office and stated his readiness to invest in the development of the network in Ukraine.

According to the press-service, the funds received from the parent company were spent, in particular, on restoration of the store in Odessa, which suffered from rocket attacks, repayment of debts to suppliers and financial support of employees in difficult times. For 15 years of work in Ukraine, the company has demonstrated an exemplary reputation in settlements with partners. Despite the fact that the beginning of 2022 was difficult for Auchan Ukraine in this regard, up to the end of last year and currently the company has no debts to suppliers.

This year, Auchan Ukraine is expecting another tranche from the head office.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Auchan Ukraine has been actively supporting the civilian population and defenders. In particular, about 360 tons of goods worth more than UAH 53 million were transferred as humanitarian aid.

In the spring of 2022, the company established a fund to support employees affected by the war – “Auchan with You”, which provided assistance to fifty employees for more than 12 million UAH. The chain also continues to prepare and distribute free lunches weekly in the affected regions, in particular, in Kyiv region. In total, about 290 thousand lunches have been distributed since the beginning of the project.

Auchan Retail is an international retail company. The first store was opened in France in 1961.

Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket LLC has been operating in Ukraine since 2008. According to the Auchan website, before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the retailer’s network had more than 30 stores of different formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, pick up points) in nine cities, and is also developing e-commerce.

Auchan Ukraine has new CEO

Marta Trusz has become the new CEO of “Auchan Ukraine” instead of Victoria Lutsenko, who was appointed CEO of “Auchan Hungary”, the company’s press service said.
It is specified that Lutsenko led “Auchan Ukraine” for 5 years. During this time the company introduced a new figital (physical + digital) strategy and development plan, in particular e-commerce was strengthened, and the opening of innovative points of sale – Auchan Pick up point.
Trush, who is going to lead the company since March, has been working in Auchan Ukraine for over 10 years and has a diverse experience in retail, in particular in store operations, sales and commercial management.
According to her, the company’s main priorities remain assistance to the country’s population and contribution to the recovery of Ukraine’s economy. In particular, the company plans to open new stores and create jobs.
As it was reported, “Auchan Ukraine” employs about 5 thousand Ukrainians. Over the last year, the company has paid about 1 billion UAH of taxes to the state budget and directed more than 60 million UAH to help the Ukrainians.
Auchan Retail is an international retail company. The first store opened in France in 1961.
Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket” LLC has been operating in Ukraine since 2008. According to the Auchan website, before the Russian invasion into Ukraine, the retailer’s network had more than 30 stores of different formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, pick up point) in nine cities, and also develops e-commerce.
