The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the National Strategy for the Creation of Barrier-Free Space in Ukraine until 2030 in accordance with the decree of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and within the framework of the initiative of First Lady Olena Zelenska Without Barriers, according to a posting on the website of the head of state on Wednesday.
“It is important for me that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the first National Strategy for creating a barrier-free space in Ukraine. It seems to me that now it is very relevant. A demand for barrier-free space has formed in society, and only systemic actions are capable of breaking down barriers in society. Strategy is the first, but an important step,” Zelenska said.
As noted in the report, the National Strategy is the first comprehensive document in Ukraine that provides for the creation of a barrier-free space in all spheres of life and for all social groups, including people with disabilities, the elderly, youth, women, parents of young children and children with disabilities.
A wide range of experts, public and charitable organizations, and specialized specialists were involved in the creation of the National Strategy. It was developed by an interdepartmental working group under the Cabinet of Ministers, which included 11 ministers, MPs, representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the National Institute for Strategic Studies, civil society and experts.
Also during the meeting, the government supported the proposal of the spouse of the head of state to create a Barrier-Free Council, which will monitor and control the implementation of this Strategy.
The Barrier Free Council is an advisory body under the Cabinet of Ministers, which will monitor the implementation of the planned activities, develop and implement programs, and report on the implementation of benchmarks. It will include representatives of the government, local government, civil society, experts and scientists.
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