Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Beer production in Ukraine increased by 112% in first half of year

Beer production in Ukraine in the first six months of this year reached 65.2 million dal, up 112.5% year-on-year, according to the website of the industry organization of brewers Ukrpyvo.

This figure is only 76.9% of the volume of beer production in Ukraine in 2021, the industry association said.

As reported, beer production in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 27.9% compared to 2021 – to 122.8 million dal.

By the end of 2022, the brewing industry had partially recovered from a 50% drop in production in the first quarter due to the Russian invasion and the shutdown of some breweries. Thus, in the first four months of 2022, the decline amounted to 42.8% compared to the same period in 2021, January-May – 36.4%, January-June – 32%, January-July and January-August – 31.6% each, January-September – 30.5%, January-October – 28.6%, January-November – 28.1%, and 27.9% in the year before last.


Beer production in Ukraine increased by 20.5%

Beer production in Ukraine in January-May of this year reached 51.1 million dal, 20.5% more than during the same period last year, according to the website of the brewers’ organization Ukrpivo.
It is specified that such growth is connected with the prohibition on manufacture and sale of beer, which was in force in 2022 (because of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia – IF-U) in January of this year the lag in manufacture of this drink was 15.2% compared to January-2022 indicators.
At the same time, this figure is only 77,5% of the volume of beer production in Ukraine in 2021, the industry association specified.
As it was reported beer production in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 27,9% compared to 2021 – up to 122,8 million dal.
By the end of 2022 the brewing industry has partially recovered after the fall of production of this drink in the first quarter by 50% due to the Russian invasion and the shutdown of some breweries. Thus, at the end of the first four months of 2022 the decline was 42.8% compared to the same period of 2021, January-May – 36.4%, January-June – 32%, January-July and January-August – 31.6% each, January-September – 30.5%, January-October – 28.6%, January-November – 28.1%, the year before – 27.9%.


Beer production in Ukraine increased by 35.3%

Beer production in Ukraine (except for non-alcoholic with alcohol content up to 0.5% vol.) increased by 35.3% in January-April 2023 compared to the same period of 2022 – up to 38.1 million dal, according to the website of the brewers’ organization Ukrpivo.
It is also specified that during the first four months of 2023 in Ukraine 85.85 thousand tons of malt was produced, which is 2.3 times more than during the same period of 2022.
As reported, beer production in Ukraine in 2022 decreased by 27.9% compared to 2021 – up to 122.8 million dal.
“Ukrpivo” pointed out that by the end of 2022, the brewing industry has partially recovered after a 50% drop in the first quarter due to the Russian invasion and the shutdown of some breweries. Thus, at the end of the first four months of 2022 the decline was 42.8% against the same period of 2021, at the end of the first half – 32%, and for the first nine months – 30.5%.


“Radomyshl” Beer and Soft Drinks Plant increased its net loss by 57.3%

Private Joint-Stock Company “Radomyshl Brewery” (Radomyshl, Zhytomyr region), which is a part of “Persha Privatna Brovarnya” group, has increased its net loss by 57,3% – up to 149,42 million UAH in 2022 in comparison with the previous year.
According to the company’s notice in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) about the planned annual meeting on April 28, its assets for the year increased by 23.9%, to UAH 3.82 billion, and the uncovered loss increased by 7.2%, to UAH 2.23 billion.
Total accounts receivable of the plant increased 16.5% during the year, to UAH 1.85 billion, long-term liabilities increased 20.7% to UAH 1.43 billion, and current liabilities increased 21.6% to UAH 3.62 billion.
The company increased its inventory by 57% to UAH 0.72 bln and had UAH 17.2 mln of free cash at the end of the year.
The shareholders are not allowed to pay out dividends and will have to repay their losses at the expense of future profits.
As earlier reported, Persha Privatna Brovarnya LLC was founded in 2004. It operates two breweries – in Lviv and Radomyshl with a total capacity of 2.4 million hectoliters of beer per year.
According to the PPB website, the largest shareholder of the company and its CEO is Ukrainian Andrey Matsola, while the second largest stake belongs to the EBRD. The rest of the shares are divided between Oettinger Group and the managing partners of OASIS Group.
The company’s brand portfolio includes beer brands Avtorskoe, StareMisto, Zhiguli Barne, Oettinger, CervenaSelka, Bavaria, Galitskaya Korona and others, as well as two kvass brands Lvovsky and Drevlyansky.

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Beer production in Ukraine in January-February decreased by 9%

Beer production in Ukraine (except non-alcoholic with alcohol content up to 0.5% vol.) in January-February 2023 decreased by 8.9% compared to the first two months of 2022 – up to 16.2 million dal, according to the website of the brewers’ organization Ukrpivo on Friday.
At that it is specified that in January this year the lag in the production of this drink compared to January 2022 was 15.2%.
In turn, in January-February 2023, Ukraine produced 28.9 thousand tons of malt, which is 5.7% less than the first two months of last year.
As it was reported, beer production in Ukraine in 2022 dropped by 27.9% compared to 2021 – up to 122.8 million dal.
By the end of 2022 the brewing industry has partially recovered after a 50% drop in production of this drink in the first quarter due to the Russian invasion and the shutdown of some breweries. Thus, in the first four months of 2022 the decline was 42.8% compared to the same period of 2021, January-May – 36.4%, January-June – 32%, January-July and January-August – 31.6% each, January-September – 30.5%, January-October – 28.6%, January-November – 28.1%, the year before – 27.9%.


Beer production in Ukraine in January-October decreased by almost 30%

Production of beer in Ukraine (except non-alcoholic with alcohol content up to 0.5% vol.) in January-October 2022 decreased by 28.6% compared to the same period of 2021 – to 103.8 million dal, according to the website of the brewers’ organization Ukrpivo.
It is noted that the industry is gradually recovering after the fall of production of this drink in the first quarter by 50% due to the Russian invasion and the shutdown of some of the breweries of the country. Thus, in the first four months of this year the decline was 42.8% over the same period of last year, in January-May – 36.4%, in January-June – 32%, in January-July and January-August – 31.6%, and in January-September – 30.5%.
According to Ukrpiva, there is also a recovery in the production of malt. In particular, after the fall in the first quarter of 2022 by 40.8% and a sharp decline in June by 50.6%, in January-October the rate of production decreased to 17.7% compared to the same period in 2021 – 146.5 thousand tons of malt was produced.
As reported, Ukraine in 2021 produced 5% less beer compared to 2020 – 170.5 million dal, and in 2020, its production decreased by 0.4% compared to 2019 – 179.7 million dal.
Malt production in 2021 was 218,500 tons, down 19.5% from a year earlier. At the same time, its production in 2020 decreased by 18% compared to 2019, to 275 thousand tons.
