Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Eduard Burash organized transfer of special bus for National Guard

In fact, the partnership of the Feman organization, represented by the ambassador of Transcarpathia Eduard Burash, the Czech organization Way of Hope Life, represented by Marian Bizub, and Franz-Wladimir von Habsburg, who is in charge of humanitarian projects in Kyiv and Chernihiv, has realized a wonderful idea to provide one of the units of the National Guard of Ukraine in Kyiv with a special GigiBus.

This is a bus that is fully equipped for water and hygiene and laundry procedures.

The bus has washbasins, showers, washing machines and many hygiene products.

“Our friendship and common example of cross-border cooperation to help those who are in great need has resulted in the implementation of a wonderful project called HygiBus. This bus was handed over to the leadership of the National Guard of Ukraine in Kyiv.

We have created and implemented a unique humanitarian aid project and an example of “neighborly”, cross-border cooperation between three countries, three friends, three organizations,” said Eduard Burash.
