Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

National Agency on Corruption Prevention adds Italy’s Buzzi Unicem to list of sponsors of war

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) has included the Italian cement manufacturer Buzzi Unicem in the list of international sponsors of the war, the agency’s press service reports.
According to a press release, this decision was made due to the expansion of the company in the Russian Federation after the annexation of Ukrainian Crimea and a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, despite the announcement of refusal to participate in operating activities.
According to the agency, Buzzi works in Russia through SLK Cement, which owns two cement plants, Sukholozhskcement and Korkino, a terminal in Omsk, and a transport company Tsemtrans. According to him, the company is one of the five leaders in the cement industry of the Russian Federation.
The report states that in the period from 2016 to 2021, the Russian division of Buzzi Unicem paid taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget of the aggressor country for EUR 62 million. In addition, the company cooperates with the Russian Ministry of Defense, and supplies products to the largest state-controlled enterprises: Rosneft and Rosatom.
In Russian social networks, the company expressed support for the mobilized employees, and also sent assistance to the Russian artillery unit, the NACP notes.
The agency emphasizes that the shareholders of Buzzi Unicem never publicly condemned the participation of the Russian subsidiary in the war against Ukraine and did not call for the termination of business in the Russian Federation.
Previously, NACP has already included the following companies in the list of international sponsors of the war: Procter & Gamble, OpenWay Group, Danieli, TMS Tankers Ltd., Minerva Marine Inc., Thenamaris Ships Management, Delta Tankers Ltd., Dynacom Tankers Management Ltd. Mondi PLC, eKassir, Liberian International Ship & Corporate Registry, and Bonduelle. Recently, the French corporation Auchan Holding and Metro Cash & Carry have been added here.