The Ukrainian industrial company Interpipe has developed and shipped the first batch of ULT SP wheelsets for the Spanish market.
According to a company press release, the new design is part of the Ultimate product line manufactured by the group and is designed for freight cars.
The press service said that in October Interpipe completed the testing and certification of the ULT SP wheelset in European testing centers and certification authorities. It is designed specifically for the Iberian gauge, which is used by the railways of Spain, Portugal and partially France. The peculiarity of this wheelset is that it is wider than the European one – 1,668 mm versus 1,435 mm, therefore it requires a special design of the wheelset.
In addition to the modification of the wheel itself, the specialists of the Interpipe railway division also designed the axle structure for the Spanish track – SP G, which was not previously produced.
Today, local railway operators in the Iberian market use outmoded wheelsets. Interpipe offered consumers a modern solution that could become the new standard for Spain and Portugal.
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