Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Worldwide personal computer shipments collapsed 29% in first quarter

Global shipments of personal computers (PCs) collapsed 29% to 56.9 million units in the first quarter, according to preliminary data from International Data Corporation (IDC).
Negative factors for the global computer market were weak demand, high levels of unsold inventory, and deteriorating macroeconomic indicators.
“Inventories at retailers have declined slightly in recent months, but remain well above normal levels of 4-6 weeks of demand,” said Jitesh Ubrani of IDC. – “Even with high discounts, we can expect this situation to continue through the middle of the year and possibly manifest in the third quarter as well.
A return to growth in shipments is not expected until later this year.
Chinese Lenovo and U.S. HP Inc. and Dell Technologies remained in the top three global leaders in terms of devices sold in the first quarter. Apple Inc. recorded the steepest drop in sales, down 40.5%.