Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Lemtrans completes first stage of construction of Vinnytsia container terminal

Lemtrans, Ukraine’s largest private rail transportation operator, has completed the first stage of construction of the Vinnytsia container terminal, the company’s press service said on Monday.
“Lemtrans Group has completed the first stage of construction and opened the Vinnytsia container terminal. As part of this stage, a new infrastructure was created: railroad tracks were laid, a container yard with a capacity of up to 2000 TEU was equipped, and a covered warehouse with an area of 3,500 square meters was built,” the statement said.
The total area of the terminal is 8 hectares, and its throughput capacity is 30 thousand TEU per year.
Modern equipment and infrastructure of the terminal provide a significant acceleration of cargo handling, the company said.
“We are creating new opportunities, as the emergence of such a terminal in the region opens up access to global logistics for cargo owners, both large and small. This means that exporters and importers no longer depend on the size of the consignment or the influence of global trading companies,” the statement quoted Dmytro Balaba, CEO of Container Terminal Vinnytsia, as saying.
The opening of the Vinnytsia container terminal is an important step for the further economic development of the region – investments in the project amounted to about $15 million, the report says.
It is also reported that the terminal has already received the first train, formed in cooperation with UZ CARGO POLAND and the Liski Transport Service Center. The first batch of cargo exceeded 60 TEU. The regular service will connect the Polish port of Gdansk with the terminal in Vinnytsia.
According to Vinnytsia Mayor Serhiy Morgunov, container transportation will allow Vinnytsia community to expand cooperation with other regions of Ukraine and, at the same time, with other European countries.
“We are talking about creating new jobs, increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of our community,” Morgunov said in a statement.


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