Business news from Ukraine


Ukraine has registered 1,334 new cases of COVID-19 and 68 related deaths in the past 24 hours, the Ukrainian Health Ministry press service said in a statement on Monday.
“Ukraine registered 1,334 new cases of COVID-19 as of May 24, 2021. In particular, the virus was contracted by 86 children and medical workers. Over the past day, 1,019 persons were hospitalized, 68 died, and 6,999 recovered,” the ministry said on Facebook.
Ukraine recorded 2,533 contagions on May 23, as against 4,606 on May 22.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Ukraine has seen a total of 2,183,855 coronavirus cases, including 49,436 deaths and 1,957,560 recoveries.

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The introduction of COVID-19 vaccination passports in Ukraine is supported by just over a quarter (27%) of citizens, and not supported by a third (34%), according to a survey by Research & Branding Group conducted on April 23-30.
At the same time, another 30% of the country’s residents are indifferent to the introduction of “vaccination passports” and 9% have not decided.
The highest level of support for the introduction of a “vaccination passport” is noted among residents of the western region and young people under 30, and the lowest – among residents of the southern region and the age group over 60, among whom are most of those who are indifferent to the issue.
At the same time, 44% of Ukrainians consider the use of a “vaccination passport” for travel abroad justified, while 4% and 3% of respondents consider the use of a “vaccination passport” for public events and trips in Ukraine justified, respectively. At the same time, 16% of Ukrainians justify the use of a “vaccination passport” in all aspects of everyday life, and 3% consider it completely unnecessary.
Most of those who consider it justified to use a “vaccination passport” primarily for foreign travel are among residents of regional centers, and least of all – among representatives of the age of 60 and over and rural residents. In comparison, residents of the eastern region are more likely to consider the “vaccination passport” for travel across Ukraine to be justified. The majority of 50-year-old Ukrainians advocate the use of the “vaccination passport” in all aspects of everyday life.
The survey was conducted by the method of personal formalized interview (face-to-face) among 1,804 respondents over 18 years old in all regions controlled by the government. The sample represents the population of Ukraine by gender, age, type of settlement and region of residence. The maximum error does not exceed 2.4%.

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Ukraine has signed contracts for the supply of 42 million doses of coronavirus vaccines by the end of this year, about 5 million more doses are needed, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said.
“If you look at the number of doses that we have contracted, I emphasize, it was the contracted amount for which we paid the funds, together with COVAX, then we now have 42 million doses of vaccines for which we have already signed [contracts], these are all supplies for this year,” the minister said during the Segodnya Vecherom (Tonight) program on the Ukraine 24 television on Friday evening.
“About 5 million more doses are needed,” Stepanov noted.
“We have relevant proposals, in particular from the Serum Institute, to increase the amount of doses of the Novavax vaccine, and we also have a proposal regarding Sinovac. Now we are deciding on the timeframe of delivery,” he added.

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As of Tuesday morning, 2,208 new cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) disease were recorded in Ukraine, 8,617 people recovered and 119 people died, Minister of Health of Ukraine Maksym Stepanov has said.
“Some 2,208 new cases of COVID-19 were recorded in Ukraine as of May 11, 2021. In particular, 89 children and 34 health workers fell ill. Also, over the past day, 1,084 people were hospitalized, 119 people died and 8,617 people recovered,” Stepanov said on his Facebook page on Tuesday morning.
A day earlier, on May 10, some 2,817 new COVID-19 cases were reported, on May 9, some 5,372 new cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded, on May 8, there were 8,710 new cases of COVID-19 infection, on May 7, some 8,404 new cases of COVID-19 were reported, 6,038 new cases of COVID-19 infection were recorded on May 6, some 2,576 new COVID-19 cases were reported on May 5, and some 2,472 new cases of COVID-19 infection were reported on May 4.
The number of infected since the beginning of the pandemic on Tuesday morning was 2.125 million people, 46,631 patients died, and 1.777 million people recovered.
Over the past day, the largest number of confirmed cases was registered in Donetsk (325), Kharkiv (213), Dnipropetrovsk (191), Zaporizhia (169) and Mykolaiv (132) regions.
Over May 10, 2021, some 2,194 people were vaccinated in Ukraine and 865,590 people were vaccinated since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. Some 695 people have completed vaccination (received two shots) (of which two people received one shot abroad).



Founder and owner of the Serum Institute of India, Cyrus Poonawalla, during a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, assured that Ukraine will be among the priority countries that will receive the contracted vaccine as soon as the Indian government restores its export.
CoviShield company’s vaccine against coronavirus disease was the first that Ukraine received for vaccinations. The owner of the Serum Institute noted that India had already supplied Ukraine with half a million doses of the vaccine, the website of the President’s Office reported on Friday.
In turn, Zelensky invited Poonawalla to explore the possibilities of cooperation between his company and Ukrainian partners in order to jointly develop and produce medicines, medical products and vaccines in Ukraine, including those from COVID-19.
As reported, the incidence rate of COVID-19 in India has led to delays in the supply of up to 90 million doses of vaccines from that country. The Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, is a key supplier of vaccines to the international COVAX vaccine distribution program.

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Ukraine has overcome the third wave of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov has said.
“Finally, I can state that we have overcome the third wave of the pandemic. From tomorrow, there will not be a single region with a ‘red’ level of epidemic danger in Ukraine,” he said on his Facebook page.
Stepanov said that, as planned, on Friday there will be a meeting of the State Commission on Environmental Safety, Manmade Disaster and Emergency Response, which can cancel the “red” level of epidemic danger in Sumy region.
The minister said that the third wave of COVID-19 claimed more lives compared to the first two, and during this period the healthcare system worked with tension, there was not enough oxygen in medical institutions.
“The late March and the early April were the hardest. The capacities at Lviv Chemical Plant [supplying medical institutions with oxygen] were overloaded and at some point some of the production capacities stopped. However, we managed to restore them overnight. We did not leave a single person without oxygen. For example, one of the city hospitals in Kyiv, before the pandemic, needed 3 tonnes of oxygen per month, and during the third wave – 5.5 tonnes per day,” he said.
According to Stepanov, at the peak of the epidemic, there were 44,000 patients in hospitals on oxygen therapy; while a year earlier there were 3,500 beds with oxygen in Ukraine.
At the same time, the minister recalled the need for further compliance with anti-epidemic measures.
“No ‘barbecue’ costs life and health. Therefore, take care of yourself, because the virus is just waiting for you to take off the mask,” the minister said.
