Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

EU’s Creative Europe program will support Ukraine’s cultural and creative industries sector until 2025

The European Union’s Creative Europe program will continue to support Ukraine’s culture and creative industries sector in 2025, the Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications reports.
“Ukrainian audiovisual projects have the opportunity to take full part in the competitions of the Media subprogram, which aims to support the European film and audiovisual industries and to develop, distribute and promote European works, taking into account the modern digital environment,” the ministry said in a statement.
It is noted that six such competitions have been announced, namely: European co-development; video game and immersive content development; television and online content; talent and skills development; 360° media; innovative tools and business models.
According to the announcement, grant applications can be submitted from October 1, 2024.
“The total amount of funding for projects that will receive grants under the above competitions is EUR 81.5 million. The total budget of the EU’s Creative Europe program in accordance with the Annual Work Program 2025 is EUR 340 million,” the agency added.


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