Business news from Ukraine

Google will provide $2 million grant for development of digital education in Ukraine

Google will provide a $2 million grant and its experts from Fellowship for the development of digital education in Ukraine, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine said in a Telegram channel on Friday.
As handwriting in the Ministry of Digital Transformation, it will help Ukrainians get a new profession, learn digital literacy and find a job.
In addition, as part of a joint project with, the Ministry of Digital plans to update the platform of the national project “Dia. Digital Education.”
It is planned, in particular, to introduce elements of artificial intelligence to create an individual training plan, interactive simulators that will bring the user closer to real situations in the profession; as well as recommendations for requalification and professional development.
In addition, the platform wants to implement job searches according to direction and success in training.
“Also, the grant from involves the creation of a special educational application and the development of new educational series and projects,” said in the report of the Ministry of Information.
In addition, the functionality of the platform and educational products will be translated into English.
The team of the project “Dia. Digital Education” will work together with specialists from the Fellowship team.
Product managers, software engineers, and marketing managers from Google will help scale Project Dia. Digital Education” for six months.
The goal of the project is to help Ukraine solve the issue of unemployment among IDPs and contribute to the economic revival of the country. The partner of the project is the Eastern Europe Foundation.

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