Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Most Ukrainians support domestic tourism

Since the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, more than 45% of Ukrainians surveyed have traveled to the country for tourism purposes, the press service of the State Agency for Tourism Development (DART) reported on its Facebook page.

According to a study conducted by DART in partnership with the UNICEF U-Report Ukraine project, over the past year and a half, 26% of respondents have traveled to the country’s regions 1-2 times, 12% – 3-5 times. 7% of respondents have traveled to Ukraine more than five times.

At the same time, the head of GART, Mariana Oleskiv, whose words are quoted in the report, noted that domestic tourism during the full-scale invasion has become the basis for the country’s tourism industry as a whole.

“Traveling in Ukraine today is not only a way of recreation, but also a means of physical recovery and psychological relief – both for our defenders and their families, as well as for civilians. It is also a way to support the country’s economy, which today works exclusively for our defense,” said the head of GART.

According to the online survey, 21% of respondents said that by traveling they support the country’s economy, 23% of Ukrainians have not changed their attitude to traveling during the war, and 21% of travelers said they avoid any trips because of the possible danger.

Ukrainians travel most actively in summer – 48% of respondents. Only 4% travel in spring, almost 3% in autumn, and only 2% in winter.

The majority of respondents – 56% – said that the choice of season for traveling depends primarily on the time of vacation or holidays. 22% said that price influences their choice; weather conditions are also important for 22% of respondents.

More than half of the respondents (54%) prefer urban tourism and hiking. Excursions to historical monuments and museums are chosen by 28% of Ukrainians. 23% spend their time on the beach. Event tourism is also popular with 23% of respondents. Slightly fewer – 22% – like to travel the country to explore gastronomic specialties in the regions.

Active recreation is chosen by 16%, ecotourism by 11%, and recreational tourism by 9% of Ukrainians.

More than 5 thousand respondents aged 14 to 34 took part in the online survey about traveling in Ukraine during the war.