Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Medical aid donations from the UK to Ukraine will reach over 11 million units in the coming days, the UK government said.
“A fourth tranche of aid left from across the UK during the last week, carrying: 4.2 million doses of medicines – including painkillers and antibiotics that are critical for treating infections caused by battlefield trauma and limited hygiene facilities 1.5 million items of other supplies – including PPE and respirators,” the British government said in a press release on its website on Friday.
Nearly 16 million people are reported to be in need of humanitarian assistance within Ukraine, with access to care badly needed for those in cities worst hit by Russian attacks like Mariupol and Irpin.
The government said the latest supplies are being sent in direct response to a request from the government of Ukraine. They will provide treatment for people injured in the brutal and intentional Russian attacks on civilians across Ukraine, as well as help the government prepare for potential future threats.
In addition, further donations to Ukraine of new ambulances are reported to support advanced life-saving efforts in Ukraine.
” The UK stands shoulder to shoulder with our Ukrainian friends. As the medical emergency inflicted by Russia escalates, we have responded with life-saving medical supplies where they are needed most. As one of the largest humanitarian donors, Britain will continue to help care for those bravely resisting Putin’s vile aggression until Ukraine succeeds,” British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said.

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