PrJSC Ecoprod (Volnovakha, Donetsk region) will pay dividends following its work performance in 2020 in the amount of about UAH 30 million or UAH 173,415 per share.
The relevant decision was made by the company’s shareholders at an extraordinary meeting on December 18, having sent part of the net profit of UAH 175.145 million received last year to dividends, according to the information on the company’s website.
The rest of the profit will be directed to the expenses provided for by the company’s financial plan for 2021, the documents said.
According to the company’s information, its revenue over nine months of this year increased by 23.2% y-o-y , to UAH 409.82 million, and net profit – by 2.6 times, to UAH 135.6 million.
In production over nine months of this year, the main share fell on sunflower (35.54%), wheat (24.12%) and milk (18.42%), and in sales volume – on wheat (35.54%), sunflower (24.12%) and milk (18.42%).
PrJSC Ecoprod is engaged in plant growing and animal husbandry in Volnovakha district of Donetsk region. It produces dairy products, flour, cereals and compound feed.
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