Business news from Ukraine


The European Investment Bank (EIB) within the framework of the Ukraine Urban Public Transport project is providing Lviv with EUR 12 million loans for the purchase of ten new low-floor trams.
According to the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, the relevant agreement between the bank, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the city authorities was signed on September 2.
According to the ministry, another EUR 8.8 million will be additionally financed from the city budget.
Head of the European Investment Bank representative office in Ukraine Jean-Erik DE ZAGON said the EIB loan for new trams in Lviv will contribute to the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable transport. As representatives of the climate-oriented EU bank, they are convinced that a well-functioning tram network can make a significant contribution to reducing the number of cars on roads and thus reducing environmental pollution and mitigating climate change.
Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy also supported this position.
“We have a clear position – electric transport should dominate. First of all, these are environmental issues, because 30% of all diseases in the world are caused by air quality. And secondly, it is financially profitable. In addition, low-floor trams and trolleybuses manufactured here, in Lviv, contribute to comfortable movement around the city for all its residents, including those with limited mobility,” he said.

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The European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova with EUR 55 million through ProCredit Bank in the respective countries to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) within mitigating the effects of the economic shock, the EIB’s website reports.
“As part of the overall response to COVID-19, the operation will support the financial intermediaries with temporary emergency measures to facilitate the provision of liquidity to SMEs and midcaps and thereby contribute to mitigating the impact of the economic shock,” the report says.
ProCredit Bank in Ukraine was founded in 2001. At the beginning of 2020, its sole shareholder was ProCredit Holding (100% of the shares).
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of May 1, 2020 ProCredit Bank ranked 14th among 75 banks operating in the country in terms of total assets (UAH 25.646 billion).

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The European Investment Bank (EIB), as part of a joint initiative with the European Commission – InnovFin Science, has agreed the issue of a loan of EUR 50 million for the UNIT.City innovative park.
According to a joint press release, the loan is provided as part of the EU’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program and is managed by the EIB.
“Ukraine and more specifically the Kyiv urban area lack a proper ecosystem for R&D and IT companies at all stages of development, from start-ups to expanding high-tech companies. With its dedicated InnovFin Science support, the EIB is now helping Ukraine to bridge this gap. This will strengthen the competitiveness of the country and its capital city and enable it to take full advantage of its skilled workforce,” EIB Vice President Lilyana Pavlova stated.
“The EIB credit line provides up to 10 tranches of at least EUR5 million each. The funds are allocated for nine years with a very competitive annual interest rate for Ukraine. Money will be allocated for the construction of new campuses of the innovation park – B15, B16, B17, U1 – with a total area of 70,000 square meters. The total cost of the project (including components financed by the EIB) is estimated at EUR 110 million. Thus, about half of the estimated costs will be financed by the EIB,” the report on the bank’s website says.
“The project promoter and the EIB loan borrower is Unit Holdings LLC, a company established by UFuture Group. The project is expected to be completed by 2023 and it will generate up to 2,400 temporary jobs and increase permanent employment within the promoter’s business by 549 full time jobs. Indirectly, the project will support around 15,000 jobs in the tenant companies present at the UNIT.City innovation park,” according to the report.

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The European Investment Bank (EIB) will provide a loan for the UNIT.City innovation campus development. The bank said on its website that its Board made the decision at the end of April 2020.
The details about the amount of the loan and the borrower are not disclosed.
Earlier the Ukrainian government said that this concerns a EUR 50 million loan to Unit Holdings LLC.
The EIB said that the project is part of an urban development and comprises the design, renovation and construction of carefully selected sub-projects that are part of the innovation campus. The project includes the extension of a private non-profit IT training facility, multifunctional flexible floor space offering a variety of office accommodation, fablabs, communal and interaction spaces as well as seminar and meeting room spaces for events plus other supporting facilities and infrastructures.
In November 2019, EIB Vice President Vazil Hudak said that a loan for development of UNIT.City could be provided.
UNIT.City Innovation Park officially opened in April 2017 on the territory of the former Kyiv Motorcycle Plant.
Unit Holdings LLC was established in November 2017. The main activity is the development of construction projects. According to the unified public register, participant in LLC is CJSC Dinpero Investments Limited (Cyprus). The ultimate beneficiary is the founder of UFuture holding Vasyl Khmelnytsky.

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The European Investment Bank (EIB) could provide a loan in the amount of EUR 50 million to Unit Holdings LLC for the development of the UNIT.City innovative campus.
According to an explanatory note to the draft Cabinet of Ministers resolution on approval of the letter of the government of Ukraine to the European Investment Bank on the Innovative Campus for Ukraine project, the bank on December 12, 2019 received a request for support from Unit Holdings in the amount of EUR 50 million to finance the development of project documentation and building individual components of the innovative campus.
The government, in turn, plans to approve and send a letter to the bank on the belonging of the financing proposal to the scope of the framework agreement Between Ukraine and the EIB.
The Innovative Campus for Ukraine project is implemented by Unit Holdings within the framework of the goals of the state policy, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers activity program adopted by the parliament in October 2019.
UNIT.City Innovation Park officially opened in April 2017 in the territory of the former Kyiv Motorcycle Plant.
Unit Holdings LLC was established in November 2017. Its core business is the development of construction projects. According to the unified state register, the ultimate beneficiary is the founder of UFuture holding, Vasyl Khmelnytsky.
UFuture is a holding company that combines Khmelnytsky’s business and social projects. It has a diversified portfolio of assets in real estate, infrastructure, industry, renewable energy, pharmaceuticals and IT. The value of UFuture’s assets is estimated at $550 million. The total capitalization of the businesses in which it invested exceeds $1 billion.



The European Investment Bank (EIB) plans to provide Ukraine with a loan of EUR40 million to fight coronavirus, the press service of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine reports.
“Last week, Ukrainian Minister for Communities and Territories Development Oleksiy Chernyshov held an online meeting with the European Investment Bank. The parties discussed raising a loan of EUR40 million for a quick response and necessary measures to overcome the coronavirus in Ukraine,” the report says.
This loan will be provided within the framework of the ongoing Ukraine Municipal Infrastructure Program opened in 2014.
“On March 23, the ministry received an action plan from the EIB to provide the agreed loan. Now the parties are agreeing on the details and terms of cooperation,” according to the report.
It is noted that EIB representatives said they supported the strategy of the Ukrainian government and confirmed that for the whole world, and for Ukraine, it is also currently extremely important to use enough modern medical equipment to combat COVID-19.

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