Business news from Ukraine

Parliament postpones for next session bill on transforming Energoatom into joint stock company

The Verkhovna Rada has postponed consideration of draft law No. 8067 on transforming NNEGC Energoatom into a joint stock company as a whole to the next plenary session, parliamentarian Yaroslav Zheleznyak (Golos faction) said.
“We began to consider #8067 – the transformation of Energoatom into a joint stock company as a whole. Started, but did not finish, as they delayed the amendments,” wrote Zheleznyak in the “Telegram Channel” on Friday.
According to the deputy, the vote for the law will already take place at the next plenary session.
As reported, the Verkhovna Rada on October 19, 2022 supported the first reading of the draft law № 8067 “On Joint Stock Company” National Nuclear Energy Generating Company “Energoatom”.
According to the explanatory note to the document, its goal is to establish the legal, economic and organizational basis for the establishment and operation of the joint stock company “National Atomic Energy Generating Company “Energoatom” by reorganizing (transforming) the state enterprise “NAEK “Energoatom”.
The document defines the procedure of formation and functioning of the joint stock company NAEK Energoatom, 100% of shares of which are owned by the state.
According to the document, the founder of the company is the state in the person of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, which decides on the establishment of the company and manages the state corporate rights of the JSC.
It is stipulated that the shares acquired by the state as a result of the company’s formation are not subject to privatization.


“Energoatom” will increase salary increment for Zaporizhzhya NPP personnel starting from New Year

NNEGC “Energoatom” state enterprise will increase the raise to the official salary of the pro-Ukrainian personnel of Zaporizhzhia NPP for work in difficult conditions of the occupation starting from January 1, 2023.
“Already from January 1, 2023 the size of this allowance will increase up to 50%. Ukrainian ZNPP personnel will receive the money immediately after the deoccupation of the plant and its liberation from the Rashists,” the company said in a Telegram channel in the evening of December 27.
Initially “Energoatom” introduced a surcharge at the rate of 20% of official salary, which is accrued for work in difficult conditions of occupation for the personnel of Zaporizhzhya NPP in April 2022.
In general, as NNEGC Energoatom president Petro Kotin said, the company guarantees payment of all financial obligations to ZNPP personnel with a pro-Ukrainian stance. We are talking about salaries, allowances for work in difficult conditions of the occupation, remuneration at the end of the year and bonuses for the Day of Power Engineers.
“The patriots will receive all these payments in full, even if they are in forced downtime due to the fact that they are not allowed to work by the Rashists,” Kotin, quoted in the Telegram channel, stressed.
In addition, the trade union committee of the NAEC assumed financial support of the evacuated family members of Energoatom workers, who remained at their work places, and of the evacuated personnel. As of today, all of them in total have already been paid more than 74 million hryvnias, the company noted.
“At the same time, female workers with children under seven years of age from September to November this year were set an additional payment in the amount of the minimum wage. The total amount of this assistance amounted to more than 16 million hryvnias,” the NAEC added.
Also, as reported by the head of the primary trade union organization “Energoatom” Alexei Lych, the company is currently working out algorithms of compensation of possible financial losses of the pro-Ukrainian personnel of ZNPP in case the occupants are not allowed to work.
On December 26, Energoatom approved a collective agreement for 2023-2024.


All 9 nuclear units controlled by Ukraine work – Energoatom

All nine nuclear power units located in Ukraine-controlled territory are operating in the power system as of 6 p.m. Saturday, nuclear power plant operator NAEC Energoatom said in a telegram.
“Unfortunately, now the capacity of one of the power units is limited by 600 MW due to the unpreparedness of the power system to take all possible amount of electricity from it, as the energy infrastructure facilities were again damaged as a result of yesterday’s shelling,” Energoatom specified.
The Company reminded that another six power units of the occupied Zaporizhzhia NPP are stopped and their switching on is blocked by the “Rashites,” while the plant continues to constantly consume about 100 MW for its own needs from the power system of Ukraine.
As reported, after the November 23 shelling, all power units of Ukrainian nuclear power plants were disconnected from the grid. On December 13, after remedial repairs, the ninth 1000 MW unit was connected to the power grid, and by the new massive Russian shelling in the morning of November 16, all nine units of the Pivdenno-Ukrainian, Rivne and Khmelnitsky NPPs, which are located in Ukraine-controlled territory, were in operation.
According to Jakob Hartmut, vice president of NAEK Energoatom, the December 16 shelling resulted in the total operating capacity of the plants under control decreasing from 7 to 1.5 thousand MW.
There are four operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine, including 15 units, equipped with water-water power reactors with a total installed electric capacity of 13.835 GW. Apart from ZNPP with six 1000 MW units, there is Rivne NPP (four units, two 1000 MW and two 440 MW), Pivdenno-Ukrainian NPP (three 1000 MW units) and Khmelnitsky NPP (two 1000 MW units).


As of 15:40 Kyiv time, no fires were recorded at Zaporozhye NPP – Energoatom

NNEGC “Energoatom” refuted the information about a fire at the second power unit of the Zaporozhye NPP, circulated in Telegram channels about an hour ago.

“We officially inform you that this is not true. As of 15:40 on September 29, 2022, no fires and fires were recorded at the power units of the Zaporozhye NPP,” the company wrote on its Telegram channel on Thursday.


Energoatom does not confirm the information about the fire at the Zaporozhye NPP

NNEGC Energoatom, in a comment to the Interfax-Ukraine agency, did not confirm the information that appeared in the Telegram channels about the fire at power unit No. 2 of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP).

“We are preparing a refutation,” the company said.

As reported, a number of Telegram channels reported a few minutes ago about an emergency situation at the ZNPP – a fire at unit No. 2.


Power unit No. 5 of Zaporozhye NPP is connected to energy system – Energoatom

Power unit No. 5 of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, which was shut down in an emergency on September 1, is back in operation, Energoatom reported.
“Today, September 2, 2022, the 5th power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, which was turned off on September 1 in the morning as a result of another mortar attack by the Russian occupation forces at the ZNPP site, was connected to the power grid at 13:10,” Energoatom’s Telegram channel reported. on Friday.
According to the report, the increase in power continues.
“The station has two power units (No. 5, 6 – ER), which produce electricity for the needs of Ukraine. There are no comments on the operation of equipment and security systems,” the company said.

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