Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


In January-May 2022, Ukraine produced 7.831 billion cubic meters of natural gas, which is 1.9% more than in the same period last year (7.687 billion cubic meters), according to the infographics of the Energy Suppliers Association (ESA).
According to it, the average daily gas production in May increased by 1% compared to April, but is still below the pre-war production of this year. In particular, in January this figure was 55.4 million cubic meters per day, in February – 54.5 million cubic meters, in March – 49.9 million cubic meters, in April – 49.6 million cubic meters, and in May – 50.1 million cubic meters.
At the same time, according to the association, in May a number of private companies managed to bring gas production to a double level.
According to the association, amid Russian military aggression, gas consumption in the country continues to decline, which amounted to 11.726 billion cubic meters in the first five months of this year. In particular, in January 2022 it amounted to 3.972 billion cubic meters (less by 4% compared to January 2021), February – 2.822 billion cubic meters (less by 34%), March – 2.735 billion cubic meters (less by 24%), April – 1.483 billion cubic meters (less by 33%), and May – 0.714 billion cubic meters (less by 46%).
Earlier, the Cabinet of Ministers instructed NJSC Naftogaz Ukrainy to increase gas reserves in underground storage facilities (UGS) to 19 billion cubic meters at the beginning of the heating season 2022-2023, while 10 billion cubic meters on June 1, 2022.
While maintaining consumption of about 25 million cubic meters per day and production of about 50 million cubic meters per day during June-September, Ukraine will be able to replenish stocks in storage facilities during this period by 3 billion cubic meters, while up to 6 billion cubic meters of gas will be needed to import. Some of these volumes can be brought into UGS facilities for their storage by foreign companies.
At the same time, the head of the Energy Committee of the Verkhovna Rada, Andriy Gerus, specified in early June that plans for 19 billion cubic meters in storage could be adjusted depending on a number of factors.

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