Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

An online European film festival will be held in Ukraine from December 13 to 19, 2023

From December 13 to 19, 2023, the European Film Festival 2023 (EUFF) will be held in Ukraine. The festival is organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine together with the European cultural institutions Goethe-Institut, Institut Français and Cineuropa.

This year’s festival will showcase the outstanding achievements of European cinema and introduce the contemporary cinema of Ukraine. EUFF 2023 will bring together nine films that have won international competitions. You can watch them for free on the festival’s online platform.

To join EUFF 2023, you need to:

Register at;
Rent and watch a movie for free at a convenient time from December 13 to 19.

The EUFF 2023 program includes such films as Luxembourg, Luxembourg (Ukraine), Anytime (Finland), My Love Affair with Marriage (Latvia, Luxembourg), The Gods of Molenbeek (Finland, Belgium, Germany), “Luzza (Malta), Oscar and Lilly – Where No One Knows Us (Austria), Date with Amber (Ireland, UK), I’m Fine (Luxembourg, Belgium, Germany, Italy), Lullaby (Spain). The full program and film descriptions are available on the EUFF website.

“EUFF is an international project that promotes cultural exchange between EU countries and Ukraine. Our common vector of development is reflected in this year’s festival program. It includes both European works and, for the first time, a Ukrainian film. And this is a sign of deepening the dialogue and strengthening the partnership between Europe and Ukraine,” the EU Delegation to Ukraine said.

Organizer: Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine.

Partners: Goethe-Institut, Institut Français, Cineuropa.

Media partners:,

Technical partners: Festival Scope, SHIFT27.


For reference:

The EU Delegation to Ukraine has the status of a diplomatic mission and is one of more than 130 EU delegations in the world. The European Film Festival is a global cultural project implemented by the EU Delegations around the world to promote European values and raise awareness of pressing European challenges. The goal of the festival in Ukraine is to introduce Ukrainians to Europe and its culture through cinema.