Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Albania opens market for Ukrainian feed producers

The State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Protection (SSUFSCP) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have agreed with the Republic of Albania on two certificates for Ukrainian pet food producers, the agency’s press service reports.
According to the report, a health certificate for canned pet food and a health certificate for chewing items for pets intended for import or transit from Ukraine to Albania have been agreed.
“Opening new markets for Ukrainian exporters is one of the key priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We are systematically working on this together with the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection. Each new market means new opportunities for domestic producers and strengthening of our economy. This is especially important in times of war,” said Andriy Sybiga, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
“Diversification of international sales markets is the focus of special attention of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection. The development of domestic business largely depends on expanding the geography of exports. That is why we continue to do everything possible to support Ukrainian producers, especially in these difficult times,” said the head of the agency, Serhiy Tkachuk.
The State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection pointed out that the agreed form of the veterinary certificate for these categories of products is published on the official website of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the section “International Cooperation” – “Veterinary and Safety” – “Certificates for Export from Ukraine”.
The first step for exporting Ukrainian products of animal origin is a request from the market operator to the territorial authority of the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection at the place of location, the agency reminded.
