Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Fish Fetish: charity fundraiser and star waiters

The fish restaurant of Ukrainian businesswoman Svetlana Gotochkina is once again initiating a charity fundraiser. The event will last all day on January 26. To draw as much attention as possible to the event, well-known Ukrainians will be on hand to ensure the comfort of Fish Fetish guests on this day: TV presenter Mila Yeremeeva, actor Aram Arzumanyan, actor Taras Tsymbalyuk, actress Natalka Denisenko, blogger Vikel, blogger Anna Alkhim, event organizer Vadim Keller, fashion consultant Dmitry Glushchak, blogger Kirill UCUPCAKE, designer Ksenia Shapovalova, and Svetlana Gotochkina herself.

50% of the check of each order will be donated to help Denis Kristof, who evacuates civilians from hot spots and helps those affected by the war.

Thus, the stars were divided into two shifts:

14:00-17:00 – Mila Yeremeeva, Aram Arzumanyan, Taras Tsymbalyuk, Natalka Denisenko, Svetlana Gotochkina.

18:00-21:00 -Vikel, Anna Alkhim, Vadym Keller, Dmytro Glushchak, Kyrylo UCUPCAKE, Ksenia Shapovalova.

If you want to add good deeds to the list of the day, visit Fish Fetish at 2 Knyaziv Ostrozkykh St. and support the charity collection.

Call: +380 (67) 005 55 11