Business news from Ukraine


At this difficult time, children’s hospitals of each region and their small patients are urgently in need of artificial respiration apparatus (ARA), resuscitation tables for newborns, stationary incubators, cardio monitors, syringe infusion pumps, portable ultrasound devices, angiographs, angiographs defibrillators, electrocardiographs, devices for daily monitoring of cardiac activity (holters), pulse oximeters and even ordinary tonometers, for providing quality, timely and qualified assistance.
Fundraising for the purchase of such equipment is organized throughout the country within the framework of the 15th Ukrainian charity foundation «Heart to Heart» under the slogan «Baby’s heart, live!»
What will be purchased to the children’s hospitals in each region of Ukraine will depend on the amount of money raised in the regions. Funds collected in the region are fully returned to it in the form of modern, high-quality equipment, and all small patients are serviced free of charge.
Every year in our country about 500,000 are born, about 20,000 of them are born in the pre-defined period. About 10,000 children are born with congenital heart defects, and 1,500 of them have a critical heart defect and need immediate surgery. And worst is, Ukraine holds one of the leading positions among EU countries in terms of infant mortality.
Unfortunately, not every family has a long-awaited birth. Children’s hospitals in Ukraine have a very low level of provision of medical equipment for prenatal diagnosis of infant development. Doctors sometimes take minutes to properly diagnose birth defects and undergo surgery to save a baby!
Every year the number of children with congenital heart defects increases. Congenital heart disease of newborns is the second most common disease of the cardiovascular system. From the very first minute of their lives, these children need highly specialized medical care. This is why medical care for perinatal centers, the cardiology specialized department of Ukraine is extremely important!
Last year, volunteers of the «Heart to Heart» foundation managed to raise 5,494,449.24 UAH. As the result, 238 units of medical equipment for primary diagnostics, examination and treatment of children, newborns and children with heart defects were purchased and transferred to each regional hospital of Ukraine.
Thanks to the Heart-to-Heart campaign, Ukrainians have provided children’s hospitals with more than 48 million UAH for modern medical equipment.
Taking care of baby’s safety and health by making a charitable contribution is the least we, as adults, can do in order to help children.
A donation for your regional hospital can be made online on website, or Privat 24, or the self-service terminal or at the bank’s branch on the following details:
IBAN UA 02 312378 0000026001053813052
EDRPOU 34354227, MFO 312378
UCF «Heart to heart»
Payment Purpose: donation for the purchasing of medical equipment for ____ (write the name of region).
For more information, please, contact the head office of UCF «Heart to heart» tel .: 098 952 20 09, e-mail:

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