Business news from Ukraine

Structure of import of services in 2021 (graphically)

Structure of import of services in 2021 (graphically)

SSC of Ukraine

Import of goods to Ukraine in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

Import of goods to Ukraine in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

SSC of Ukraine


Foreign trade turnover by the most important positions Jan-May 2022 (import)

Foreign trade turnover by the most important positions Jan-May 2022 (import)

SSC of Ukraine

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Cabinet of Ministers canceled permission to import products to Ukraine with label not in state language

The Cabinet of Ministers has canceled the legislative norm introduced on March 9, which allows importers of food products to import these products into the country, even if the information on the product packaging is not in Ukrainian.
Thus, food market operators can now only import products with a label in the state language, Taras Melnichuk, a representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada, said in a Telegram channel.
The government made the corresponding change to Decree No. 234 of March 9, 2022 at a meeting on Friday.
“It is excluded … the rule on the temporary possibility for the period of martial law of the sale of food products in the customs territory of Ukraine, information about which is set out in a language other than the state language. It has been established that such food products imported into the territory of Ukraine from March 9 to December 1 can to be in circulation on the customs territory of Ukraine until the expiration of the minimum shelf life or the deadline for consumption (the “use by” date),” Melnychuk said in the message.
Thus, the amended regulation retains the possibility for importers of animal feed to import these products labeled in a language other than the state language.
In addition, the legislative norm remains in force that the labeling of food and feed imported to Ukraine as humanitarian aid can be submitted in a language other than the state language.
The regulation also allows the use of leftover packaging or containers for food and feed left after the closure of enterprises that stopped working as a result of hostilities. In the future, such containers can be used for packaging similar products manufactured at other enterprises.

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Import of passenger cars to Ukraine in 1st half. increased by 8.5%, in dollars – decreased by 19%

Imports of passenger cars to Ukraine in January-June of this year amounted to 304,083 thousand units. in the amount of almost $1.7 billion, Ukravtoprom reports with reference to the State Statistics Service.
According to a message in the Telegram channel on Friday, only 18.323 thousand cars (or 6%) of this number were new, while the remaining 285.76 thousand (94%) were used.
In turn, a year ago, Ukravtoprom published similar statistics on its website, according to which, in January-June 2021, 280.3 thousand passenger cars worth more than $2.1 billion were imported to Ukraine, including the share of new cars was 20 %.
Thus, if in the first half of 2022 the import of cars in physical terms increased by 8.5%, then in foreign currency it decreased by 19%, and the share of new cars decreased by 14 p.p.
According to Ukravtoprom, in the first half of this year, purchases of new cars cost importers $363.3 million, and the customs value of used cars exceeded $1.3 billion (a year earlier, approximately the same amount – $1.05 billion each – IF).
The main suppliers of new cars to Ukraine in January-June 2022 were China (6.61 thousand units), Japan (3.382 thousand), and Romania (1.476 thousand), and used ones were most often bought in Germany (118.758 thousand units). ), France (31.206 thousand) and Poland (20.716 thousand).
In the first half of last year, Japan was the leader in deliveries of new cars (11.2 thousand), followed by China (11 thousand) and Romania (5.8 thousand). Used cars were most often imported from Germany (46 thousand), the USA (40 thousand) and Poland (25 thousand).


Import of goods to Ukraine in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

Import of goods to Ukraine in % to the previous period in 2021 and 2022

SSC of Ukraine
