PZU Ukraine Insurance Company (Kyiv) in January-June 2022 collected UAH 558.1 million in gross premiums, which is 27.49% less than in the same period of 2021, reports RA Standard- Rating”, updating the company’s credit/financial stability (reliability) rating on the national scale at the level of “uaААА” based on the results of the specified period.
According to him, income from individuals of the insurer decreased by 13.42% – to UAH 383.578 million, from reinsurers – by 30.40%, to UAH 10.629 million. Thus, the share of individuals in the gross premiums of the insurer amounted to 68.73%, and the share of reinsurers – 1.90%. According to the results of the first half of 2022, individuals continue to dominate the company’s client portfolio.
Insurance payments sent to reinsurers for the first half of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021 decreased by 69.48% to UAH 91.473 million. Thus, the participation rate of reinsurance companies in insurance premiums decreased by 22.55 percentage points. – up to 16.39%.
Net premiums decreased by 0.71% to UAH 466.66 million, earned insurance premiums increased by 20.27% to UAH 525.751 million.
The volume of payments and indemnities made by the insurer for the first half of 2022 amounted to UAH 272.106 million, which is 6.41% higher than the amount of indemnities for the same period in 2021. Thus, the level of payments increased from 33.22% to 48.75%, or by 15.53 p.p.
During the specified period, operating profit of IC PZU Ukraine increased 2.82 times, to UAH 86.301 million, its net profit increased by 93.07%, to UAH 79.753 million.
As of July 1, 2022, the company’s assets decreased by 12.00% – to UAH 2.508 billion, equity increased by 1.69% – to UAH 839.439 million, liabilities decreased by 17.59% – to UAH 1.669 billion, cash and cash equivalents increased by 2.41 times – up to UAH 263.522 million.
Thus, as of the beginning of the third quarter of 2022, the company had a sufficient level of capitalization (50.29%), and 15.79% of its liabilities were covered by cash.
At the same time, it is noted that as of the indicated date, the insurer made financial investments in the amount of UAH 465.179 million, which consisted of government bonds (55.19% of the investment portfolio) and deposits in banks with an investment grade credit rating (44.81% of the portfolio).
According to the report, IC PZU Ukraine has the support of one of the largest insurance groups in Central and Eastern Europe – PZU Group (which includes the parent company PZU S.A., IC PZU Ukraine).
Insurance company Kniazha Life Vienna Insurance Group (Kyiv) in 2020 collected UAH 277.247 million in insurance premiums, which is 5.13% more than a year earlier, according to a posting on the website of the Standard-Rating agency.
The agency has affirmed the financial reliability/credit rating of the insurer at “uaAA +,” guided by the results of 2020.
During the year, insurance payments and compensations by the company amounted to UAH 20.252 million, which is almost twice the amount of payments made in 2019. Thus, the level of payments increased from 13.84% to 26.22%, or by 12.38 percentage points.
The insurer’s acquisition costs amounted to UAH 10.826 million, which is 33.57% less than in 2019.
The net profit of PrJSC Kniazha Life Vienna Insurance Group last year amounted to UAH 13.554 million, which is 2.82 times higher than the figure for the previous year.
The company’s assets as of December 31, 2020 grew by 30.49%, to UAH 582.887 million, equity – by 60.17%, to UAH 95.278 million, liabilities – by 25.92%, to UAH 487.609 million, cash and their equivalents fell by 63.60% to UAH 31.091 million due to reallocation of funds into current financial investments, which expanded by 90.8%
As of the beginning of 2021, the insurer’s equity capital was 19.54% covered by its liabilities, and 6.38% of liabilities were secured by cash and cash equivalents. As of January 1, 2021, it formed noncurrent and current financial investments in the amount of UAH 497.672 million, which consisted of 34.91% of bank deposits (UAH 173.749 million) and 64.83% of government bonds (UAH 322.661 million).
Vienna Insurance Group is represented in Ukraine by Ukrainian Insurance Group, Kniazha Vienna Insurance Group and Kniazha Life Vienna Insurance Group.
Dniprovsky Iron and Steel Works (DMK, Kamianske, Dnipropetrovsk region), part of the Industrial Union of Donbas (ISD) corporation, in January-February of this year, increased the production of general rolled products, according to recent data, by 3% compared to the same period last year, to 415,000 tonnes.
As the representative of the enterprise told Interfax-Ukraine, during this period the plant increased steel production by 4.5%, to 420,000 tonnes and kept the production of cast iron at the level of 375,000 tonnes.
In February, 195,000 tonnes of rolled products, 195,000 tonnes of steel, and 170,000 tonnes of cast iron were produced.
As reported, the plant in 2020 increased the production of general rolled products by 13.3% compared to the previous year, to 2.54 million tonnes, steel by 15.2%, to 2.56 million tonnes, cast iron by 19.2%, to 2.36 million tonnes, and agglomerate by 40.2%, to 4.06 million tonnes.
Dniprovsky Iron and Steel Works specializes in the production of cast iron, steel, rolled products and consumer goods.
The company is controlled by the ISD corporation which was founded in 1995. It is an integrated holding company that owns or manages stakes in mining and metals enterprises.
The volume of sales of companies operating in the service sector of Ukraine in the fourth quarter of 2020 amounted to UAH 264.2 billion, which in comparable prices was 10.4% higher than the level of the fourth quarter of 2019, the State Statistics Service has said.
According to the report, the volume of services provided to the population amounted to 17.4% of the total volume of services provided in the country (UAH 46.05 billion).
The State Statistics Service reminded that in the fourth quarter of 2020 the volume of service provided by companies grew by 10.9% compared with the previous quarter.
The Metinvest Group, taking into account associated companies and joint ventures, transferred UAH 22.1 billion in taxes and fees to budgets of all levels in 2020, which is 5% higher than the level of the year before last.
According to a Friday press release of the company, the largest payment of the group’s total payments was income tax. Last year, Metinvest enterprises paid more than UAH 5.2 billion of this tax to the treasury, which is one third less than in 2019.
This is followed by a single social security contribution, the payment of which increased by 18% compared to 2019, to UAH 5.2 billion.
Metinvest enterprises last year transferred UAH 4.7 billion of personal income tax to the budgets, which is 17% more than in 2019.
In addition, the sources of receipts of the state and local budgets in 2020 were the payment for the use of subsoil in the amount of UAH 2.2 billion, the environmental tax of UAH 789 million and the land fee of UAH 713 million.
Central Mining and Processing Plant (Kryvy Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region), part of Metinvest Group, in 2020 reduced the production of merchant pellets by 5.4%, compared to the previous year to 2.27 million tonnes.
According to the audited consolidated financial results released by Metinvest on Tuesday, last year the output of iron ore concentrate at the plant increased by 10%, to 4.904 million tonnes.
Central Mining and Processing Plant is one of the five largest producers of mining raw materials in Ukraine. It specializes in extraction and production of iron ore raw materials – concentrate and pellets.
The plant is part of Metinvest Group, the main shareholders of which are PrJSC System Capital Management (SCM, Donetsk, 71.24%) and the Smart-Holding (23.76%).
Metinvest Group’s management company is Metinvest Holding LLC.
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