Agrochemical company Grossdorf LLC, specializing in the production of granular and liquid mineral fertilizers, has decided to expand its product range by developing a line of products for retail sales, industry analyst publication Infoindustria reported.
“Entering the retail market opens up new opportunities for growth and expansion of the consumer audience. The company believes in the quality of its products and is ready to meet the needs of retail customers with the same dedication it shows in the agrochemical sector market,” said Andrei Khalyavka, director of the agrochemical company.
According to him, Grossdorf produced about 20,000 tons of various NPK fertilizer formulas in 2023. In addition, the company became Ukraine’s second supplier of UAN in 2023 and produced more than 106 thousand tons of this fertilizer. In addition, Grossdorf produces granulated potassium chloride, NPK fertilizers and granulated (compacted) ammonium sulfate.
“In just one year, the manufacturer supplied more than 150 thousand tons of fertilizers to the market, becoming the second fertilizer producer in Ukraine,” Infoindustria summarized.
Grossdorf LLC was established in 2001. The company is a producer of mineral fertilizers, one of the leaders in UAN production in Ukraine, importer, supplier and end user of mineral fertilizers. It has its own plant in Odessa region for production of liquid fertilizers (RKD, UAN, UAN), storage for liquid fertilizers with the volume of more than 10 thousand tons, capacities for production of loose granular fertilizers, extensive network of agrochemical warehouses practically in all regions of Ukraine.
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