Business news from Ukraine


INGO Insurance Company (Kyiv) in January-June 2020 collected more than UAH 766 million of insurance premiums, which is 2.3% more than in the same period a year earlier, according to a press release from the insurer.
It is noted that premiums for motor insurance amounted to more than UAH 341 million, personal insurance more than UAH 237 million, complex insurance (property and liability) more than UAH 155 million, special lines almost UAH 30 million, other types more than UAH 2.7 million.
The company reports on the continued high dynamics of annual growth in demand for health insurance. The current situation with COVID-19 has only increased the importance of health protection, so insurance premiums and voluntary medical insurance payments are steadily increasing even in the conditions of a “quarantine” economy. Monthly sales are growing by 20-25% compared to previous months, and up to 40% compared from 2019.
The decline in demand in the corporate segment of motor insurance from INGO began at the end of March and reached its peak in April (minus 45% compared to the same period in 2019). At the same time, in May and June the deferred demand worked and the indicators for KASKO recovered to the level of 2019. There was no reduction in business activities in the OSAGO segment.
Sales of Green Card insurance contracts and insurance of people traveling abroad have dropped significantly.
The company notes that due to changes in legislation on alternative energy, the volume of construction of new solar and wind plants has significantly decreased. The development of the industry, which was the driver of growth in property insurance in 2019, actually stopped. At the same time, there is a noticeable increase in infrastructure construction (roads, bridges).

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PrJSC Insurance company VUSO (Kyiv) in January-June 2020 collected UAH 454.027 million of gross premiums, which is 2.52% more than in the same period in 2019, the rating agency Standard-Rating reports, confirming the company’s financial strength rating at “uaAA” on the national scale, based on the analysis of the company’s performance for the first half of 2020.
According to the agency report on its website, income from individuals increased by 23.53%, to UAH 323.406 million, and from reinsurers, on the contrary, decreased by 56.64%, to UAH 24.531 million. Thus, the share of individuals in gross premiums increased to 71.23%, while the share of reinsurers decreased to 5.40%, while individuals continue to prevail in the insurer’s client portfolio.
Insurance premiums sent to reinsurers for the first half of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019 decreased by 2.81%, from UAH 185.871 million to UAH 180.644 million. As a result, the coefficient of dependence on reinsurance companies decreased from 41.97% to 39.79%, or 2.18 percentage points.
The insurer’s business activity indicators in the period under review showed a growing trend: net premiums increased by 6.38%, to UAH 273.383 million, and premiums earned by 39.34%, to UAH 330.473 million.
For the six months of 2020 VUSO paid out to its clients UAH 16.846 million of insurance compensations, which is 35.57% more than the volume of payments for the same period in 2019. At the same time, the level of payments increased from 27.62% to 36.53%, or by 8.91 percentage points.
The company’s assets as of June 31 increased by 8.92%, to UAH 693.585 million.

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Busin Insurance Company (Kyiv) collected UAH 919,000 of gross premiums in January-March 2020, which is 97.4% lower than the volume of premiums collected for the same period in 2019, the Standard-Rating Agency has said.
The agency updated the insurer’s credit and financial stability rating at uaAA+ on the national scale based on an analysis of its financial statements for the first quarter of 2020.
Receipts from individuals in the company increased almost eight times, to UAH 213,000, and from reinsurers, on the contrary, decreased by 98.87%, to UAH 289,000.
The agency said that the sharp decline in gross business volumes is due to the specific types of insurance that the company provides.
Insurance payments allocated to reinsurers in the first quarter of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019 decreased by 26.62%, from UAH 11.2 million to UAH 8.2 million. As a result of the outpacing rates of gross premium reduction compared with the volume of premiums sent to reinsurers, the coefficient of dependence on reinsurance grew to 892.79%.
The company paid customers UAH 2.117 million of insurance payments and indemnities for the relevant period of 2020, which is 50.90% less than the volume of payments for the first quarter of 2019. However, a larger reduction in gross premiums caused an increase in the level of payments to 230.53%.
The financial result from the operating activities of Busin insurer amounted to UAH 8.863 million, and net profit reached UAH 27.031 million.
The company’s assets grew 8.65 times, to UAH 2.694 billion, cash and cash equivalents by 22.88%, to UAH 115.980 million by March 31, 2020. The company’s net worth had a rise of 14.85%, to UAH 130.770 million, liabilities increased from UAH 197.379 million to UAH 2.563 billion.
Thus, at the end of the first quarter of 2020, the obligations of the insurer were covered by net worth by 5.10%, and cash covered 4.53% of the company’s liabilities.
Busin insurance company was registered in February 1993. It specializes in risk insurance.


The insurance companies that are members of the Motor (Transport) Insurance Bureau of Ukraine (MTIBU) in January-March 2020 increased collection of insurance premiums on compulsory insurance of vehicle owners’ civil liability (OSAGO) by 20.28% compared to with the same period of 2019, to UAH 1.3 billion.
According to data published on the MTIBU’s website, the number of OSAGO contracts in the first quarter increased by 0.55%, to 1.776 million
The total amount of accrued insurance claims under internal insurance contracts increased by 15.15%, to UAH 684.3 million. In particular, more than UAH 123 million is paid using European accident record forms, which is 12.8% more than in January-March 2019.
The bureau also recorded an increase in the number of settled claims for insurance compensation by 10.3%, to 37,527, of which 13,041 using European accident record forms (an increase of 10.35%).
The MTIBU is the only association of insurers that carries out compulsory insurance of vehicle owners’ civil liability for damage caused to third parties. The bureau members are 49 insurance companies.



GRAWE Ukraine Insurance Company (Kyiv) in 2019 collected UAH 97.438 million in net premiums, which is 27% more than a year earlier, according to the annual report of the company, published in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.
According to its data, gross premiums for the year amounted to UAH 115.026 million, which is 21.7% more than in 2018. Premiums transferred to reinsurance remained at almost the same level of UAH 8.138 million. The reserve of unearned premiums increased by 11.3%, to UAH 10 million.
In 2019, the company paid customers UAH 58.592 million, which is 26.6% more than a year earlier.
The company’s administrative expenses for the year increased by 32.3%, to UAH 18.136 million, sales expenses by 13.8%, to UAH 40.502 million.
As reported, GRAWE Ukraine Insurance Company in 2019 saw a net loss of UAH 30.345 million, while in 2018 some UAH 16.5 million. Over the year, it increased assets by 5%, to UAH 119.537 million.
Net worth decreased by 23.8%, to UAH 41.583 million. Charter capital, as before, is UAH 41.13 million.
The long-term liabilities of the insurer increased by 43.3%, to UAH 59.814 million, while current liabilities increased by 3.5%, to UAH 18.140 million.
Debtor indebtedness rose by 52.7%, to UAH 12.422 million. Cash and cash equivalents decreased by 18.6% and amounted to UAH 15.009 million.



The shareholders of Ukrainian Insurance Group on December 19 approved an agreement to merge Globus Insurance Company with Ukrainian Insurance Group (both based in Kyiv), the insurer has reported in the public information base of the National Commission on Securities and the Stock Market. It was also decided to issue shares to convert the shares of Globus: 694,001 common registered shares with a nominal value of UAH 100 per share in the amount totaling UAH 69.400 million.
As reported, Ukrainian Insurance Group and Globus are part of Vienna Insurance Group, one of the largest insurance groups in Central and Eastern Europe.
Ukrainian Insurance Group has been operating in the Ukrainian market of conventional insurance since 2000. Globus insurance company with additional liability was founded in 1994. Both companies specialize in risk insurance.
In addition to these two companies, the Vienna Insurance Group in Ukraine also includes Kniazha Vienna Insurance Group and Kniazha Life Vienna Insurance Group.

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