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ChatGPT will gradually supplant traditional internet search – opinion

ChatGPT and other applications based on generative (content-creating) artificial intelligence (AI) will gradually supplant traditional search engines, according to Michael Wolfe, co-founder and head of Activate, an American consulting company.

According to Activate, about 13 million American adults currently start their Internet searches with generative artificial intelligence services. By 2027, the number of such users will exceed 90 million, Wolfe expects and attributes this to the ability of generative AI to produce much more accurate and personalized results.

“Generative AI fundamentally changes the search model because results are no longer presented as links,” The Wall Street Journal quoted the expert as saying. – “It delivers information absolutely ‘packaged’ and ready to use.”

The new trend will benefit most of all from services with impressive volumes of client data, which will facilitate the issuance of personalized information, Wolfe believes.

From his point of view, the leader in this area will be TikTok. According to Activate, users spend an average of more than 54 minutes a day on the Chinese social network. The same figure for YouTube – 49 minutes, Instagram and Facebook (Meta Platforms information resources – 33 and 31 minutes respectively.
