Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

“Knyazha Life VIG” significantly reduced payments to clients in 2024

Insurance company “Knyazha Life Vienne Insurance Group” (Kiev) last year collected UAH 60.890 million of insurance payments, which is 5.39% less than in the previous year, reports RA “Standard-Rating” on the website in the information on confirmation of the financial stability rating/credit rating of the company at the level of “uaAA+” at the end of the reporting period.

It is noted that the volume of insurance payments and indemnities made by the company for 2024 amounts to UAH 27,383 mln, that is by 20,29% less than the volume of payments for 2023. Thus, the level of payments of the insurer has decreased by 8,41 percentage points (p.p.), to 44,97%.
Last year the company’s activity was profitable: it received UAH 29,561 mln of net profit

Assets as of January 1, 2025 increased by 14.01%, to UAH 909.017 mln, equity capital – by 11.40%, to UAH 306.321 mln, liabilities increased by 15.38%, to UAH 602.696 mln, cash and cash equivalents – by 71.57%, to UAH 4.296 mln, government bonds and deposits in banks as part of current financial investments – by 13.92%, to UAH 879.676 mln.

RA emphasizes that as of the beginning of 2025 shareholders’ equity covered 50,83% of the insurer’s liabilities, and 0,71% of its liabilities were secured by cash and cash equivalents.

At the same time, as of January 1, 2025 the insurer has formed a portfolio of current financial investments in the amount of UAH 879,676 mln, including bank deposits and investments in government bonds. Thus, as of the beginning of 2025, liquid assets (cash and cash equivalents, bank deposits and government bonds) exceeded the company’s liabilities in 1,47 times.

It is noted that the high level of external support of the company is provided by its shareholder – an international insurance group headquartered in Austria Vienna Insurance Group Wiener Städtische Versicherung AG., which is represented by 50 companies in 30 countries and is the leader of the insurance market in Central and Eastern Europe.

