Pismennyenny Kyiv Metal Products Plant, PJSC has increased its net profit by 6.1 times compared with the previous year – up to UAH 2.523 mln.
According to the company’s announcement about the annual meeting of shareholders, which will be held on April 28, the undistributed profits at the end of last year amounted to 6.138 mln hryvnia.
At the meeting the shareholders are invited to consider the results of activity in 2022, to update the charter and to decide on profit. It is suggested to leave the profit for 2022 undistributed.
Kiev Pismenny Metal Products Plant previously specialized in the production of metal mesh. Currently, it rents out real estate and provides parking services. The average number of employees in 2019 was 17 people.
According to the NDU as of the fourth quarter of 2022, Oswell International S.A. Limited (UK) owns 42.8712% of the company, individuals Sergei Vakulenko, Natalia Vakulenko and Sergei Popov (all residents) own 9.6495%, 13.8178% and 6.3676% of the PrJSC respectively.
The charter capital of PJSC is UAH 4.138 mln, the par value of the share is UAH 140.
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