Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summoned Kyrgyz ambassador

On Thursday, July 20, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to Ukraine, Idris Kadyrkulov, to obtain clarifications regarding information about the use of the Kyrgyz jurisdiction to circumvent sanctions against the aggressor state Russia.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the matter in particular concerned the supply of dual-use products and high-tech components and products that can be used for the manufacture of weapons.

“The diplomat’s attention was drawn to the fact that the Kyrgyz Republic as a member of the world community should be responsible for compliance with the international sanctions policy against Russia. It was separately emphasized that re-export from the territory of Kyrgyzstan to the Russian Federation of goods that can be used to equip military equipment will be regarded by the Ukrainian side as unfriendly actions aimed at supporting Russia’s war of conquest against Ukraine,” the ministry stressed.