Business news from Ukraine

USAID and volunteers to provide 5000 laptops to Ukrainians

On December 5, USAID launched the USAID/ENGAGE Note project, under which educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and self-employed individuals in Ukraine will receive 5000 modern laptops with licensed software.

The national project “SOPHIA Note” is the result of joint efforts of international donors, business, Ukrainian volunteers and government. The project is being implemented within the framework of the USAID Youth Program “Dreaming and Acting”, implemented by IREX in partnership with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine and the Ukrainian volunteer platform “SpilDiya”, as well as HP Inc. and Microsoft, which provided laptops and licensed software.
Applications for the first wave of the project started on December 5 and will last until December 15. The initiative is being implemented throughout Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territories.
The project aims to support Ukrainian youth in access to education, response services and self-realization during the war. The distribution of laptops will take place in close cooperation with educational institutions, organizations and foundations working with and for young people and engaged in important educational and social tasks for communities, helping vulnerable groups. The devices will also be provided to self-employed Ukrainians who really need them.
The main goal is to give Ukrainian youth the tools to solve problems at the local, regional and national levels, to promote youth initiatives.

The application can be submitted by:
– schools seeking to provide children who do not have equipment for learning;
– public organizations / charitable foundations / other educational and creative non-profit organizations and initiatives
– self-employed persons.
To participate in the first wave of the competition, you must submit an application by December 15 (inclusive). All details on the necessary steps and criteria can be found on the website of the volunteer association “SpivDia”

Applications will be processed from the first day of the project and will be checked by case managers of “SpivDia Note” as they are received. Priority will be given to applicants (including self-employed persons) who really need the laptop(s) to provide access to training, improve or create opportunities to provide response services for children and youth, as well as for the professional realization of young Ukrainians.
Iryna Tuliakova, Founder and Executive Director of the “SpilDiya” Foundation.
“Since the first days of the full-scale war, SodDiya has been uniting volunteer, public, state initiatives and business to support Ukrainians. Today we are launching the “SpilDiya Note” project to support those who help others and want to increase their usefulness. I am grateful to our partners – USAID/ENGAGE, IREX, HP Inc. and Microsoft for their systematic support of young people and trust in the implementation of the program. Let’s work together for victory!” said Iryna Tuliakova, founder and CEO of the “SOPHIA” Foundation.

Mehri Drakman, Director of the program “Dreaming and Acting” / IREX.
“Young people are able to develop and implement effective solutions in response to the urgent needs of Ukrainian society. From the first days of the volunteer platform “SpilDiya” USAID “Dreaming and Acting” program has been actively supporting its development, and now we are implementing such a large-scale project as “SpilDiya Note”, using the mechanism developed by young people to provide humanitarian assistance, educational and social services to the civilian population”

USAID/ENGAGE is a 5-year program aimed at developing and supporting youth in Ukraine, creating an enabling environment in which young people will have the opportunity to realize their dreams, ideas and visions for the country’s development. Using a youth-centered approach – not for young people, but with young people – the program promotes youth innovation, entrepreneurship, increased participation in community decision-making and problem-solving at the national level, and strengthens the potential of Ukrainian youth to be a driving force for pluralism and respect for diversity. “Dreaming and Acting” engages young people in the development and implementation of projects and initiatives, and conducts research to inform youth policy and move towards effective and sustainable change.
