Business news from Ukraine

President of Ukraine urged people to more actively replace ordinary lamps with LED-lamps

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky thanked power engineers for recovery work after Russian missile strikes and urged the population to actively participate in the program to exchange ordinary bulbs for LED lamps
“I want to separately thank for this week our power engineers, all the employees of the repair teams, local and central authorities, who were involved in the elimination of the consequences of the Russian terrorist strike on Thursday,” he said in a video message on Sunday.
According to him, “for today it was possible to restore the technical capabilities of electricity supply. Kharkiv – with light. Zhytomyr region – with electricity. All cities and communities where there were problems with power supply have been healed again.”
“I thank each and everyone who worked for this! By the way, our program of exchanging old bulbs for new LED-lamps is being actively implemented. In total, Ukrainians have already received 12 million LED-lamps. And if we talk about energy saving, this amount allows saving up to 600 megawatts of energy. Approximately it is, for example, more than half of the generation of the most powerful nuclear power plant unit, “- he said.

“Ukrposhta” issued first million LED-lamps under EU program

Ukrainians since January 31, the moment of start of the program on exchange of incandescent lamps on LED-lamps, received in “Ukrposhta” the first million of bulbs.
As the company reported in the press release on Saturday, thanks to the EU support the first 4 million bulbs were delivered to regional centers and major cities of the country, residents of Kyiv have already exchanged more than 162 thousand bulbs, residents of Kharkiv – more than 80 thousand, 88 thousand – Dnipro and 69 thousand – Lviv residents.
“The statistics we see are mainly people who came to the branches of “Ukrposhta” without pre-registration. Of course, during the week more people wished to exchange lamps: those who registered in “Diya” only from Wednesday began to receive confirmation of the exchange, some have already managed to come to the branch, and some will receive the lamps next week”, – described the situation by the general director of “Ukrposhta”. Igor Smelyansky.
He noted that next week it will be possible to exchange lamps in the branches of “Ukrposhta” in all cities, not only in the regional centers.
The company said that next week 6 million more bulbs will be available in the cities of district importance, and by the end of February due to the mobile branches of “Ukrposhta” the bulbs should go to the rural areas.
“Thus, at the first stage the citizens of Ukraine in the next month and a half will be able to exchange up to 20 million bulbs” – the company predicts.
According to previously announced estimates, the exchange of incandescent bulbs for 50 million LED-lamps will allow for a shortfall of about 1 GW. The EU will provide Ukraine with 30 billion bulbs, and another 5 million bulbs are expected from France.

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