Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Military units in Ukraine will be able to keep records of military property only in electronic form

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has amended Order No. 440 “On Approval of the Instruction on Accounting of Military Property in the Armed Forces of Ukraine”, according to which from now on military units will be able to keep accounting registers and auxiliary documents only in electronic form, the press service of the department reports.

“On average, a company commander now spends 50-80% of his working time on bureaucracy. Property accounting is one of the most voluminous bureaucratic processes. The order creates opportunities for automation,” the press service quotes Deputy Defense Minister for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitalization Ekaterina Chernogorenko as saying.

The Ministry notes that in order to maintain accounting registers and auxiliary documents (property logs) only in electronic form, military units must use software that is accepted by the Ministry of Defense and admitted to pilot operation.

“For the transition to such programs, commanders or chiefs of military units that maintain their own military economy need to issue an order on their use,” the report said.

In the case of transition remains only electronic accounting, keep paper logs and duplicate information is prohibited.

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