Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Operator of gas transportation system of Ukraine” has announced tender for MTPL insurance with budget of almost UAH 10 mln

The “Operator of the gas transport system of Ukraine” announced a tender for compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of motor vehicles (OSAGO) on January 10, according to the electronic state procurement system Prozorro.

The expected cost is UAH 9.503 million. The deadline for submission of documents is January 21.


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“Ukrnafta” announced tender for MTPL insurance services

PJSC “Ukrnafta” on December 25 announced a tender for services of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles (MTPL).

As reported in the electronic public procurement system “Prozorro”, the expected cost of the purchase of services is UAH 2.722 million. Documents are accepted until January 6.

As reported, the winner of a similar tender a year earlier was IC “Arsenal Insurance”, whose offer amounted to UAH 1.907 million at an expected cost of UAH 2.750 million.



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“Dniprovodokanal announced tender for MTPL insurance

On December 5, Dniprovodokanal communal enterprise Dniprovskyi city council announced a tender for compulsory motor third party liability insurance, according to the Prozorro e-procurement system.

The expected price is UAH 2.067mn.

The last day to apply for participation is December 13.


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Central Election Commission has announced tender for CASCO and MTPL insurance

On November 26, the Central Election Commission announced a tender for voluntary insurance of motor vehicles (CASCO) and compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL), according to the Prozorro e-procurement system.
The total expected cost of the purchase of services is UAH 439.2 thousand.
The last day for receipt of bids is December 4.
The winner of a similar tender a year earlier on hull insurance was IC “Ultra Alliance”.


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State enterprise “Energoatom” announced tender for MTPL insurance

State enterprise NAEK Energoatom (Kiev) on November 20 announced a tender for compulsory insurance of motor liability of owners of land vehicles (MTPL).
As reported in the Prozorro electronic public procurement system, the total expected cost is UAH 111.1 thousand.
The deadline for submitting tender documents is November 28.


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State specialized economic enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” has announced tender for MTPL insurance with budget of 9.5 mln hryvnias

The State Specialized Economic Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” on November 5 announced a tender for compulsory insurance of motor civil liability of owners of land vehicles (OSAGO).
As reported in the electronic public procurement system Prozorro, the expected cost of purchasing insurance services is UAH 9.534 million.
The deadline for submitting bids for the tender is November 13.


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