Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

IC “Guardian” will insure motor transport of “Kyivpastrans” under MTPL insurance policy

Communal enterprise “Kyivpastrans” has announced its intention to conclude with IC “Guardian” (Kiev) a contract for compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles (MTPL) D2 200 units. As reported in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro, the expected cost of the purchase of insurance services amounted to UAH 1716 thousand, the company’s price offer of UAH 1710.8 thousand.
The company was the only bidder.
IC “Guardian” is a member of the Presidium of the League of Insurance Organizations of Ukraine. Since January 2020 it has received the status of a full member of the ITSBU, has the right to sell “Green Card” policies.
In October, 2020 by the decision of the general meeting of the members of the Nuclear Insurance Pool of Ukraine IC “Guardian” became its member.


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“Ukrposhta” holds tender for MTPL insurance services

Ukrainian State Postal Service Enterprise (USPS) Ukrposhta (Kiev) is holding a tender for services of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles (OSAGO).

As reported in the system of electronic public procurement “Prozorro”, the expected cost of the service -2.064 million UAH.
Documents are accepted until August 24.


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“Ukrposhta” announced tender for MTPL insurance services

The Ukrainian State Postal Communications Enterprise (USPPE) Ukrposhta (Kiev) announced a tender for services of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles (MTPL) on July 18.

As reported in the electronic public procurement system “Prozorro”, the expected cost of the service is UAH 1.151 million.

Documents are accepted until July 23.


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“Chernobyl NPP” announced tender for MTPL insurance

State Enterprise “Chernobyl NPP” June 25 announced a tender for compulsory civil liability insurance of owners of land vehicles (CMTPL).

As reported in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro, the expected cost of the purchase of insurance services is 103.8 thousand UAH.

Documents for participation in the tender are accepted until July 3.


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“Energoatom has announced tender for MTPL insurance

State enterprise NAEK Energoatom (Kiev) on June 11 announced a tender for compulsory motor third party liability insurance for owners of land vehicles (MTPL).

According to the Prozorro electronic public procurement system, the total expected cost is UAH -1.645 mln.

The deadline for submitting tender documents is June 19.

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Boryspil Airport has announced tender for MTPL insurance services

State enterprise “International Airport “Boryspil” (Kiev) on April 25 announced a tender for the purchase of services of compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of land vehicles (OSAGO), reported in the system of electronic public procurement Prozorro.

As noted, the expected cost of the purchase of services is UAH 157 thousand.

Security of the tender offer is not required.

The deadline for submission of bids is May 3

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