Business news from Ukraine

Hasidim were asked not to come to Uman in September for Jewish New Year’s holiday

Cherkassy regional military administration on the eve of Rosh Hashanah recommends Hasidim to refrain from visiting Uman, but takes measures to strengthen security measures, according to the head of Cherkassy OVA Igor Taburets.
“In a month – Rosh ha-Shana. We recommend pilgrims to refrain from visiting Uman as much as possible, given the war, regular massive shelling of our country and possible provocations from Russia,” the head of the OVA said in a message in his Telegram channel on Tuesday.
At the same time, as Taburets notes, some of the believers, as last year, will still decide to come, so the authorities are taking the necessary measures to strengthen security measures for guests and locals. “Today on this issue held a meeting of the special commission with the participation of the Deputy Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel in Ukraine Mrs. Liron Finkelstein,” – said Taburets.
“First of all, we coordinate the work on security measures. They, like last year, will be strengthened . …We are working on other areas, having the experience of previous celebrations. We are talking about the provision of medical care, the functioning of catering establishments, the work of utility workers, anti-epidemic measures and others. The key priority is unchanged – the safety of local residents and visitors,” Taburets wrote.
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, which is celebrated for two consecutive days on the new moon of the fall month of Tishrei according to the Jewish calendar. From this day begins the counting of the days of the new Jewish year.

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