Business news from Ukraine

Odessa Filatov Institute received new cars from Charitable Foundation “Kolo”

Charitable Foundation “Kolo” provided transportation for two social projects implemented by the Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after V.P.Filatov of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Odessa). V.P. Filatov Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine (Odessa).

As Interfax-Ukraine was informed in the Institute, the Foundation provided transportation for the project “Let’s Save Sight”, within the framework of which a team of ophthalmologists from the Institute travels weekly to the settlements of the region to examine patients directly in their places of residence. This helps to detect eye diseases in time, which without timely ophthalmologic care can lead to disability and even blindness.

The second project, the further implementation of which became possible thanks to the provided transportation – “I want to see”. The project has been running for about 15 years, and within its framework the Institute’s specialists regularly visit the departments for nursing premature babies in maternity hospitals and examine premature newborns to detect retinopathy of prematurity. This is a severe eye disease based on immaturity of eye structures, in particular the retina, at the time of premature birth. Timely diagnosis and highly skilled care can save children from irreversible blindness.

“A huge challenge for both teams was the lack of appropriate transportation. The team of the project “Let’s Save Sight” left on a twenty-year-old car “Gazelle” with absolutely unacceptable conditions of transportation of ophthalmologic equipment. Doctors of the project “I want to see” used their own transport, and cars rented by the benefactors, and even public transport of Odessa. Today the problems of traveling teams are solved thanks to the charity fund “Kolo”, – emphasize in the Institute.

“Doctors and patients of Filatov Institute sincerely thank the Charitable Foundation “Kolo”, its director Elena Krivenko, volunteer of the Foundation Maria Kotvitskaya and General Producer of Ukrainian Fashion Week, volunteer Vladimir Nechiporuk for their help”, – emphasized in the Institute.

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