Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Less buying and more selling: what electronics did Ukrainians choose in 2023

Ukrainians are buying household appliances and electronics less often. OLX explained how the preferences and needs of Ukrainians have changed.

According to OLX Ukraine, mobile phones and smartphones remain the most popular among Ukrainians among goods in the Electronics section. In 2023, 1.1 million ads were published on the platform, which received almost 15 million responses. However, demand for this product has declined. In 2022, there were more than 17 million responses to 1.1 million offers. The median price of phones last year was UAH 4,800, which is UAH 900 more expensive than in 2022.

Components and accessories for computer equipment came in second. In 2023, 455 thousand ads were published, which is 16 thousand less than in 2022. Last year, sellers received 2.7 million responses, compared to 3 million in 2022. The median price was UAH 780, while in 2022 it was UAH 700.

Laptops are in third place. Among all the top products, the median price here is the highest – UAH 7,200. This is UAH 300 higher than in 2022. In total, Ukrainians published 426 thousand such ads last year, which received 2.6 million responses. Compared to 2022, the number of responses decreased by 800 thousand, while the number of offers increased by 5 thousand more ads.

Compared to 2022, in 2023 there were more ads for the sale of refrigerators, set-top boxes, headphones, and washing machines. These product groups are also characterized by a drop in demand. All of them increased in value over the year, except for set-top boxes, which fell from UAH 6,000 to UAH 5,700.

What goods and services were most popular among Ukrainians in 2023?

OLX Ukraine shared analytics from the platform on which goods and services were most in demand among Ukrainians in 2023.

The top 10* products that were most in demand among Ukrainians in 2023 and the number of responses to them:

mobile phones (more than 14 million responses to ads from users)
children’s clothing and footwear (9.8 million responses to ads),
household goods in the category “Garden and vegetable garden” (4.6 million responses to ads)
power tools (3.5 million responses to ads),
books and magazines (3.3 million responses to ads),
food and beverages (3.1 million responses to ads),
collectibles in the Antiques category (1.9 million responses to ads),
farm animals (1.9 million responses to ads),
sneakers (1.6 million responses to ads),
dishes and kitchen utensils (over 1 million responses to ads).

In the Business for Services category, the most popular ads on the platform in 2023 were: auto and motorcycle services (3.3 million responses to ads), construction and repair (4 million responses to ads), manicure and massage services from the Health and Beauty category (2.4 million responses), transportation and special equipment services (1.7 million responses), and equipment repair and maintenance services (1.3 million responses).

*The selection contains a list of products that received the most reviews on OLX in January-December 2023.