Business news from Ukraine

Ukraine’s first online auctions for sale of sanctioned property were held in Prozorro.Sale

On May 21, 2024, the first online auctions for the sale of confiscated apartments of collaborators, announced by the State Property Fund (SPFU), took place in the state electronic trading system Prozorro.Sale.

“The sale of property of one of the Russian oligarchs and a collaborator was held for the first time in the ProZorro.Sale system, which allows for the transparent and open sale of all assets related to the aggressor country. These are repeated auctions for the sale of apartments, where the cost of the objects is halved. Despite this, a total of 11 participants came to compete for the sanctioned property. The competition of the bidders allowed us to increase the starting price, and after the conclusion of the online auctions, the Fund for Liquidation of the Consequences of Armed Aggression will receive more than UAH 6.9 million,” commented Sergiy But, CEO of Prozorro.Sale.

The price of the apartment belonging to Mykhailo Shelkov started at almost UAH 3.8 million. Two bidders competed for it, and the highest bid was over UAH 4 million. The four-room apartment with an area of 175.5 square meters is located in a building with a closed territory in the Prymorskyi district of Odesa.

The SPFU put Volodymyr Saldo’s apartment up for auction with a starting price of almost UAH 1.9 million. As a result of competition from 9 bidders, its final price amounted to over UAH 2.9 million. The property, with an area of almost 130 square meters, is located near Arcadia Beach in Odesa.

The winners of the auctions have 20 business days to pay the price of the lots after the auction is completed. The sale and purchase agreement will be signed only after the funds have been transferred to the accounts of the Fund for Liquidation of the Consequences of Armed Aggression.

“The State Property Fund of Ukraine is currently processing 753 units of sanctioned property. These are apartments and houses, enterprises and factories, non-residential premises, cars and even parking lots. We are actively preparing each asset of Ukraine’s enemies for sale: we lift arrests, bring documentation in line, carry out registration actions, etc. We are doing everything to ensure that the assets of the sanctioned persons work for the restoration of Ukraine!” said Vitaliy Koval, Chairman of the State Property Fund.

On May 31, 2024, ProZorro.Sale will hold an auction for the sale of another sanctioned asset – the PentoPack plant confiscated from a Russian oligarch. You can take part in the auction by registering on one of the sites accredited in the ProZorro.Sale system.

As a reminder, the sanctioned property is sold by the State Property Fund at online auctions on ProZorro.Sale in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1233 of November 21, 2023.
