Zaporizhia Titanium and Magnesium Combine (ZTMK) LLC, part of Group DF’s titanium business, in which the state owns a 51% stake, after the elimination of an emergency situation related to the leakage of titanium tetrachloride on July 28 is operating as normal.
According to a press release of the company, the emergency situation is completely eliminated.
“At 09:30 on July 28, a small amount of titanium tetrachloride leaked to the work site in shop No. 7 at ZTMK LLC. According to the emergency response plan approved at the enterprise, ZTMK staff called up a special object service of the Emergencies Service, which, together with the rescue service of ZTMK, during one hour completely eliminated the spill,” the report says.
As a result of the incident no one was hurt.
“At present, the enterprise is operating as normal. There are no threats to the population or the environmental situation. Based on the results of the incident, a special working group was set up at the enterprise, which began to clarify the causes of the incident,” it said.
Ukrhydroenergo by the end of this year seeks to hold a tender to attract a partner with experience of extending operating lives of hydroelectric facilities, Ukrhydroenergo CEO Ihor Syrota said at a press conference in Vyshgorod (Kyiv region). “The scientific and technical panel would soon determine the terms of reference: what research and works should be carried out to make decisions on extension of operating lives of hydroelectric facilities. After receiving the terms of reference we will hold a tender to select persons who have the respective experience. It is likely that they would be foreigners. There might be a Ukrainian company, but with the involvement of foreign experienced experts,” he said.
Syrota said that the projected operating life of hydroelectric facilities of Ukrainian hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) is 100 years. For the Dnipro HPP it would expire in 15 years and for the rest of the plants – later. “However, we start working on the issue of the extension of the operating lives now,” he said. He said that Ukraine need to design a core document regulating the extension of operating lives of hydroelectric facilities and have approved it by the Cabinet of Ministers or the Energy and Coal Industry Ministry.
Ukrhydroenergo operates all large hydroelectric power stations located in the Ukrainian sections of the Dnipro and Dniester rivers. The total installed capacity of the company’s hydroelectric power plants is 5,748 MW. The state represented by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry fully owns the company’s shares.
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