According to the Ukrainian Center for Transplant Coordination (UCTC) on its website, 28 medical centers performed transplants. In particular, 337 patients received kidney transplants, 107 received liver transplants, and 71 received heart transplants. In addition, after a significant break, a lung transplant was performed at the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
According to the UCTC, the largest number of organ transplants were performed by Lviv TMC (140) and the National Center of Surgery and Transplantation named after A.A. Shalimov (140). Shalimov National Center of Surgery and Transplantation (91) and the Heart Institute (52).
At the same time, according to the UCC, the fourth largest private clinic in terms of the number of transplants is Oberig (Capital LLC, Kyiv), where 44 liver and two kidney transplants were performed.
The UCTC also reports that in 2024, the number of hematopoietic stem cell transplants increased by 18%: 404 bone marrow transplants were performed in 11 medical institutions, 58 of which were for children.
The largest number of bone marrow transplants was performed at the National Children’s Specialized Hospital “Okhmatdyt” (81), Kyiv City Center for Nephrology and Dialysis (74), and Cherkasy Center for Oncology, Hematology, Transplantation and Palliative Care (72).
At the same time, five medical centers perform allogeneic transplants, including three from unrelated donors.
As of the beginning of 2025, there are 3578 patients on the national waiting list, including 2276 waiting for kidney transplants, 586 for liver transplants, and seven for split liver transplants.
There are 615 patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation, 50 patients are waiting for lung transplantation, and 26 patients are waiting for a heart-lung complex.
There are 20 patients waiting for a kidney and pancreas transplant.
In 2018, a budget of Ukrainian state financed 163 transplantations of organs abroad and 110 transplantations of bone marrow performed to the Ukrainian patients.
This data was presented by Oksana Dmytriyeva, Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Transplantation and Modern Medical Technologies of the Parliamentary Committee on National Health, Medical Care and Health Insurance during a roundtable on October 8.
She said that UAH 600 million were allocated for such kind of operations in 2018.
“If the transplant system in Ukraine worked in a proper way, several thousands people could be treated for these means,” she said.
According to Dmytriyeva, nearly 5,000 persons annually seek for transplantation of organs for health reasons, however just 130 transplantations are performed in a year. Though, Ukraine is one of the last in Europe according to death donorship.
For her part, Health Minister Zoryana Skaletska said that it was a necessity in additional financing of the patients, who long for transplantation abroad since the funds provided for 2019 have already been spent.
Besides, Skaletska said that there was a need for more efficient use of public resources, including through the development of domestic transplantology.
As head of the bone marrow transplantation and intensive chemotherapy and immunotherapy department at the Okhmatdyt hospital, Oleksandr Lysytsia reported, today bone marrow transplantation from an unrelated donor was carried out only abroad. At the same time, performing of such operations in Ukraine would make it possible to reduce their cost by more than 30%.
As reported, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in its program determined setting of the conditions for the development of transplantation in the country as one of the priority tasks, which would allow at least 30% of Ukrainian patients, who had previously received transplantation services abroad, to receive them at home.
The state budget of 2019 raised UAH 689.9 million for the program “Treatment of Ukrainian Citizens Abroad”, of which UAH 608 million has already been allocated for treatment.