Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


PJSC Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Mill (Lviv region) in January-July 2021 more than doubled production compared to the same period in 2020, to UAH 212.5 million.
According to statistics of the Ukrpapir association provided to Interfax-Ukraine, paper output in quantity terms increased 2.2-fold, to 3,800 tonnes. Output of containerboard increased 24%, to 7,800 tonnes, while output of corrugated packaging decreased 3.2%, to 8.2 million square meters.
Thus, the mill more increased the growth rate of production volumes in monetary terms compared to the same period last year (according to the results of the first quarter, the growth was 38.5%, and in the first six months – 96.6%).
Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Mill was put into operation in 1951.
The capacity of paper production at Zhydachiv Pulp and Paper Mill (base paper for corrugation, cardboard liner, and cover paper) is 40,300 tonnes per year, cardboard production – 50,000 tonnes, corrugated board and corrugated packaging – 100 million square meters, and lumpy gaskets – 48 million pieces per year.

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