Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


On December 24, 2020, the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine included the Paton industrial park (Kyiv region) in the register of industrial parks. The park, the initiator of which was the Pilot Paton Plant (Kyiv), the manufacturer of welding equipment, has an area of 17.0597 hectares.
According to the information on the ministry’s website, the planned life of the park, located on the territory of the Hlevakha village council of Fastiv district, is 30 years. It is planned to create up to 2,000 jobs.
The priority types of economic activity in the industrial park will be the creation of industrial production of modern electric welding equipment for various purposes, electric welding materials, packaging for various purposes, logistics and others.
The press service of the ministry said that today 45 parks have already been included in the register of industrial parks, including 23 management companies have been selected, and eight parks have participants (10 participants in total).
In addition, industrial parks, which are not included in the specified register, are being created and are functioning, including four parks created before the adoption of the law of Ukraine on industrial parks.
The Pilot Paton Plant was established in 1959 on the initiative of Borys Paton, as one of the elements of the Electric Welding Institute. The plant is the leader of the Ukrainian market of welding equipment and materials.

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