Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine


Ukrainian importers in January-August fully used quotas for duty-free import of pork from the European Union, further import of chilled pork will be subject to a 12% duty, and frozen pork – 10%, this was reported on the website of the Pig Breeders of Ukraine association. “As of September 1, some 20,000 tonnes of chilled and frozen pork from the EU countries were brought to Ukraine. This corresponds to the quota for duty-free supply of pork from the European Union countries established under the economic part of the Association Agreement. Since these limits have been used this year, each next kilogram of European chilled pork will cost importers 12% more due to the duty, and frozen pork meat will rise in price by 10%,” the organization said.
According to the association, there has been some recovery in import activity this year, which confirms the use of the pork import quota in August, while in previous years the import quota was used in November-December.
It clarified that Ukrainian importers have similar agreements on duty-free supplies of up to 14,400 tonnes of pork from Canada (the quota was used by 9%) and up to 1,700 tonnes from the UK (no deliveries from this country were made in 2021).
“If the import of raw meat from these countries becomes economically attractive for the importer, the supply of frozen pork is unlikely to have a significant impact on the domestic pork market. In addition, the expected changes in exchange rates in the fall will also increase the entry barrier for imported raw materials,” the association concluded.

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Pork consumption by Ukrainians in 2021 will grow by 4.7% compared to 2020, to 15.5 kg per person per year (excluding fat and offal), which will be the highest result since 2013, when this indicator per capita was 17.9 kg.
This opinion was published on the website of the Association of Pig Breeders of Ukraine with reference to data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
“The increase in pork consumption is determined by several factors, including the growth of domestic production. Pork occupies niches that free up other types of meat, primarily chicken. So, in 2021, the consumption of chicken will decrease by almost 2 kg,” FAO agricultural markets expert Oleksandr Sikachyna quoted in the post.
According to him, the elasticity of demand for meat is slow: consumers need time to change their purchasing habits, so consumption will not be able to quickly respond to high rates of production growth.

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Ukraine expects rise in production of pork in 2021

Pork production in Ukraine in 2021 will grow by 3.1%, poultry – by 0.1%, while beef production will decrease by 6%, milk and dairy products – by 4.2%, eggs – by 4.3%, fish catch – by 2.3%, such balances of supply and demand were announced by the Ministry of Economy.

Production of poultry in Ukraine in 2021 will amount to 1.43 million tonnes, exports will decrease by 0.9%, to 430,000 tonnes, and imports by 7.1%, to 104,000 tonnes.

Annual supply of poultry on the domestic market will exceed demand by 1.3 times, by 326,000 tonnes in absolute terms.

Pork production in Ukraine in 2021 will grow by 3.1% compared to 2020, to 740,000 tonnes, and demand will exceed supply by 10.9%, or 90,000 tonnes. Imports of this product over the same period will decrease by 2.9%, to 100,000 tonnes, while exports will grow by 20%, to 10,000 tonnes.

Beef production in Ukraine in 2021 will decrease compared to 2020 by 6%, to 294,000 tonnes, and the domestic supply will exceed the demand by only 3.6%, or 11,000 tonnes. According to the department, in such conditions, exports will fall by 26.3%, to 28,000 tonnes, while imports will grow by 5.8%, to 17,000 tonnes.

Production of milk and dairy products in Ukraine in 2021 will decrease by 4.2% compared to 2020, to 9.10 million tonnes, of which 2.79 million tonnes will be produced by enterprises, and the rest – by households. At the same time, the import of this product over the same period will increase by 0.08%, to 750,000 tonnes, and exports will decrease by 10.4%, to 360,000 tonnes, which is a consequence of the excess of domestic demand over domestic supply at the level of 420,000 tonnes.

Egg production in Ukraine in 2021 will decrease by 4.3% compared to 2020, to 896,000 tonnes. The catch and production of fish and fish products in Ukraine in 2021 will grow by 2.3% compared to 2020, to 126,000 tonnes.



Singapore has opened its market for Ukrainian pork. “For the first time since long a foreign market has opened for Ukrainian pork. Singapore’s regulator has accredited a Ukrainian enterprise for export of thermally processed/tinned pork and chicken meat,” the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection said.
It also said that those were the first steps towards the opening of the global market for Ukrainian pork.

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KSG Agro agricultural holding intends to achieve a 15% increase in pig breeding in live weight for 2020 compared to 2019.
“Increasing production is our strategic goal. Moreover, the market situation and increasing demand contribute to this. Therefore, our plans this year are to increase pig breeding products in live weight by 15% compared to the same indicator in 2019,” KSG Agro Board Chairman Serhiy Kasyanov told Interfax-Ukraine.
According to him, the agricultural holding did not revise investment plans for 2020 due to quarantine and the uncertain economic situation in Ukraine.
“These plans are valid and we did not change them. The planned investment for the year to continue the reconstruction of the main industrial complex and the start of the design of the genetic reproducer will be about UAH 25 million. The genetic reproducer will produce Danish boars and sows, which will allow us to reduce costs and start sales to other customers,” the owner of KSG Agro said.
Kasyanov said that in 2020 the holding plans to increase exports of manufactured products.
“In the first quarter of this year, we exported 1,356 tonnes of wheat flour to Libya. Export volumes are growing. For comparison, we shipped 720 tonnes of wheat flour for 2019. So far, despite the crisis, we plan to increase the export of our products. In the second quarter we intend to export 2,000 tonnes of wheat flour, some 1,000 tonnes of barley, some 500 tonnes of refined sunflower oil and some 1,000 tonnes of other goods,” the KSG Agro board chairman said.
KSG Agro, a vertically integrated holding, is engaged in pig breeding and production, storage, processing and sale of grain and oilseeds. As of June 30, 2019, the land bank of the holding in Ukraine amounted to about 27,000 hectares.

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Ukraine in January-April 2018 exported 98,360 tonnes of poultry, which is 2.6% more than in the same period in 2017, the State Fiscal Service has reported. According to its data, in monetary terms exports of these products increased by 21%, to $150.09 million.
Imports of poultry for the four months of 2018 increased by 27.7%, to 40,000 tonnes, in monetary terms by 35.8%, to $16.73 million.
According to the service, exports of pork in January-April 2018 decreased by 66.7% compared to the corresponding period in 2017, to 810 tonnes. Exports amounted to $1.88 million against $4.7 million in the four months of 2017.
Pork imports to Ukraine during this period increased by 4.6 times, to 3,310 tonnes. The country imported pork for $5.91 million against $1.24 million in January-April 2017.
As reported, with reference to customs data of the fiscal service, Ukraine in 2017 increased the supply of pork to foreign markets by 1.6 times, to 4,920 tonnes, imports of this product doubled, to 5,600 tonnes.

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