Business news from Ukraine

“Concrete Complex” increased net profit by 2,4 times in 2021

Beton Complex” LLC, which is a part of industrial and construction group (ICG) “Kovalska”, according to the results of 2021 increased net profit in 2,4 times in comparison with 2020 – up to 34,6 million UAH.
According to the annual report of the company in the system of information disclosure of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market (NSCSM), released on March 27, 2023, the company’s revenue in 2021 increased by 9.7% to 1.37 billion UAH.
The company’s retained earnings increased fivefold, to UAH 39.4 mln. Over the year, long-term liabilities also increased fivefold and amounted to UAH 439.4 mln, while current liabilities decreased by 26.4% to UAH 254.8 mln.
The value of Beton Complex assets in 2021 increased by 61% and amounted to UAH 774 mln.
In 2021 the company has produced 876.4 thousand tons of concrete mortars for 465.4 million UAH, 194.7 thousand tons of precast elements for 456.9 million UAH, 172.7 thousand tons of tiles, cement, concrete and artificial stone for 379.8 million UAH, 113.3 thousand tons of blocks and bricks for 90 million UAH.
According to the company’s data the company invested 40 mln hryvnias in equipment modernization during the mentioned reporting period.
Concrete Complex has been on the market since 1970. Since 2004 it has been a part of Kovalska group. Annual production capacity of the enterprise is 78 thousand cubic meters of reinforced concrete and 155 thousand cubic meters of paving slabs. The company also produces shaped elements of paving under the brand names “Avenue” and “Avenue Decor”.
According to Opendatabot, the owner of 100% of Beton Complex registered capital is OOO PSG Kovalska (Kiev), beneficiaries – Oleksandr and Serhiy Pylypenko.


“Multiplex-Holding” received 8.6 mln UAH of net profit

PJSC “Multiplex-Holding” (Kiev), which develops a network of cinemas Multiplex in Ukraine, at the end of 2022 received UAH 8.6 million net profit, while 2021 ended with a loss of UAH 47.3 million.
According to the company announcement in the information disclosure system of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSCM) about the annual general meeting of shareholders on April 28, the profit is planned to be used to replenish working capital.
According to preliminary data, the uncovered loss of Multiplex-Holding decreased slightly last year and amounted to UAH 378.6 mln. Total accounts receivable increased by 86% up to 299 million UAH, current liabilities increased by 4% to 1.13 billion UAH, while the long-term liabilities at the end of the year were absent.
Last year, fixed assets of PJSC decreased by 18% to UAH 399.5 mln, inventory – by 41% to UAH 27.2 mln. The value of assets in 2022 increased by 6.4% to UAH 841.7 mln.
According to the meeting agenda the shareholders also plan to approve the loan agreement with FUIB with the possibility of obtaining individual loans of up to UAH 100 mn for a term of up to five years and a loan rate of no more than 30% per annum.
As reported, the net loss of “Multiplex-Holding” in 2021 was UAH 47.3 million, in 2020 – UAH 187.6 million.
Multiplex-Holding was founded in 2003. At the end of 2022 the network consisted of 29 cinemas, eight of which suffered varying degrees of damage due to the Russian military aggression.
According to the NKTSBFR, the shareholders of CHA for the fourth quarter of 2022 were “AMC Contador” PVNZIF “Avior” (13.9%), “AMC Capital Group” PVNZ “Capital Record” (11%) and PVNZ “National Capital” (7.6%), “Investrotbud” (9.8%), and “ZNVKIF “Vasat” (49%).
According to Opendatabot, Ksenia Trofimenko is the ultimate beneficiary of Multiplex-Holding.


Kyiv Metal Products Plant increased its profit 6 times

Pismennyenny Kyiv Metal Products Plant, PJSC has increased its net profit by 6.1 times compared with the previous year – up to UAH 2.523 mln.
According to the company’s announcement about the annual meeting of shareholders, which will be held on April 28, the undistributed profits at the end of last year amounted to 6.138 mln hryvnia.
At the meeting the shareholders are invited to consider the results of activity in 2022, to update the charter and to decide on profit. It is suggested to leave the profit for 2022 undistributed.
Kiev Pismenny Metal Products Plant previously specialized in the production of metal mesh. Currently, it rents out real estate and provides parking services. The average number of employees in 2019 was 17 people.
According to the NDU as of the fourth quarter of 2022, Oswell International S.A. Limited (UK) owns 42.8712% of the company, individuals Sergei Vakulenko, Natalia Vakulenko and Sergei Popov (all residents) own 9.6495%, 13.8178% and 6.3676% of the PrJSC respectively.
The charter capital of PJSC is UAH 4.138 mln, the par value of the share is UAH 140.


Mukachevo-based Tochpribor increased its net profit

JSC Mukachevo Tochpribor plant (Transcarpathian region), a major Ukrainian manufacturer of electronic components, has reported a net profit of UAH 24.08 mln in 2022, which is 8.2 times higher than in 2021, according to preliminary data.
According to the company’s information for the April 28 general meeting of shareholders on the results of its work in 2021-2022, by the beginning of 2023 undistributed profits amounted to 176.33 million UAH (previous year – 152.25 million UAH).
The shareholders intend to direct the entire profit for 2021 (UAH 2.94 mln) and for 2022 to replenish the working capital and not to pay out dividends.
According to the publication, last year the plant increased its current liabilities by 39.5% to UAH 97.48 mln, and its long-term liabilities increased by 51.4% to UAH 4.88 mln.
The value of company assets increased by 23.3% to UAH 282.48 million, including total receivables decreased by 14% to UAH 73.1 million, and cash and cash equivalents increased 5.5 times to UAH 69.58 million.
The agenda of the meeting includes, in particular, the issues of changing the main type of activity from “production of instruments and equipment for measuring, research and navigation” to “production of electrical and electronic equipment for the automotive industry”.
It is also planned to supplement the list of activities with the production of ready-made metalware, locks and door hinges, as well as the provision of real estate for rent. Also the shareholders intend to re-elect the council for three years.
According to the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (SSMSC) for the fourth quarter of 2022, almost 90% of Mukachevo Ttochpribor shares belong to Cyprus-registered Moroudon Investments Limited, while the ultimate beneficiaries in the state register are Irina Zodiatu and Gabriella Lazaridou.
Mukachevo-based Tochpribor specializes in the production of cable modules, loudspeakers for the automotive industry and transformers for telephone charging stations, cooperating with a number of foreign companies on the basis of tolling agreements.
According to the company’s financial report, it cut its net profit 4.7 times in 2021 to UAH 2.94 million, while its net income rose 45.7% to UAH 160.53 million.
Siemens, Nokia, Philips Motorola, Volkswagen, and General Motors were among the main consumers of the products.
By the beginning of 2022 the plant employed over 900 people.


Vishnevsky Casting and Forging Plant doubled its profit

Vishnevskiy Casting and Forging Plant PJSC (VLKZ, Kyiv oblast) increased its net profit by 2.1 times last year compared to the previous year – up to UAH 7.099 mln.
According to the information for the annual general shareholders meeting of the company, appointed for April 24 of this year, which will be held remotely, the undistributed profit by the end of 2022 amounted to UAH 13.077 mln.
The shareholders intend to summarize the results of work in 2022, to distribute the net profit received last year in the amount of 7 million 98.521 thousand UAH in the following way: 50% of the profit, which amounts to 3 million 554.643 thousand UAH, to be allocated to the payment of dividends (2.48 UAH per share); the rest will be left undistributed.
Besides, the company plans to elect a new Supervisory Board, to make changes to its charter and to approve major transactions.
PJSC VLKZ was founded in 1990 on the basis of foundry and forging shops of Kiev Artem Production Association. It specializes in producing forging and foundry products.
According to the data from the National Depository of Ukraine as of the fourth quarter of 2022, “Golf and Country Club” (Ukraine) is the property of 18,5947% of the company, “Company of Aviation and Rocket-Technical Engineering” – 51,0001%.
Authorized capital is 358 th. UAH, par value – 0.25 UAH.


“Stalkanat” in 2022 received 325 million hryvnias of profit

PJSC “Stalkanat” (Odessa) received net profit of 325.073 million UAH in 2022, while in 2021 it finished with a net loss of 309 thousand UAH.
According to information for the annual general meeting of shareholders, scheduled for April 28 of this year, which will be held remotely, the undistributed profits on December 31, 2022 amounted to 141,793 million UAH.
The shareholders will consider a number of questions on the results of work in 2021 and 2022, in particular the general director’s report on financial and economic activity for the last year and the main directions of activity in 2023. Also will distribute profits – it is proposed to send them to cover the losses of previous years.
On all these questions it is proposed to recognize activity satisfactory.
As previously reported, the general meeting of shareholders, which took place on September 3, 2021, decided to separate PJSC Stalkanat-Silur and establish a new company – PJSC Stalkanat with the transfer of its property, rights and obligations according to the approved distributive balance sheet.
PA Stalkanat-Silur PJSC (Odessa) previously had two branches – in Odessa and Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region, on the NKT. On December 1, 2016, the company’s management officially notified about the shutdown of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk – a relevant announcement was published in the Uryadovy Kurier newspaper. Later, the management of PAO Stalkanat-Silur PJSC stated about the seizure of the company’s branch in Khartsyzsk on NKT and sent a corresponding statement to the National Police.
The charter capital of PJSC Stalkanat is UAH 17.736m.
