Business news from Ukraine


PrJSC Ternopil Dairy Plant (the Molokiya brand) in 2018 received UAH 42.9 million of net profit, which almost corresponds to the result for 2017.
According to the company’s annual report, the net income for 2018 amounted to UAH 1.8 billion (18% up), gross profit to UAH 416.4 million (41% more). Current liabilities of the company rose to UAH 160.55 million (32% more), long-term liabilities to UAH 175.9 million (7% more).
According to the report, in 2018 the company produced 56,000 tonnes of dairy goods, including 25,400 tonnes of milk, 11,100 tonnes of kefir, 6,600 tonnes of sour cream, 5,300 tonnes of yogurt and 3,100 tonnes of butter, as well as 2,000 tonnes of cheese and casein.
The company last year invested UAH 25.8 million in non-current assets, of which UAH 23 million is investment in equipment.
According to the company’s website, the owner of the controlling stake in the plant is businessman Vitaliy Kovalchuk, who directly and through affiliates owns 51.2%.
PrJSC Ternopil Dairy Plant was founded in 2000. It produces goods under the brand Molokiya, exports butter to Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Georgia, Turkey, and Kuwait.

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The net profit of JSC Aktsent-Bank (A-Bank, Dnipro) in January-March 2019 amounted to UAH 93.885 million, which is 45.4% more than in the same period of 2018, according to a quarterly report of the bank.
According to the report posted on the website of the financial institution, net interest income in the first quarter of this year decreased by 42.1% compared with the corresponding period of 2018, to UAH 294.278 million.
The bank’s assets grew by 8.1%, to UAH 5.24 billion, in particular loans to customers by 9.4%, to UAH 3.802 billion.
Since the beginning of the current year, liabilities of the bank have increased by 7.4%, to UAH 4.234 billion, net worth by 11%, to UAH 1.007 billion.
Charter capital in the first quarter remained at the level of UAH 323.191 million.
Accent Bank was founded in 1992.



Enterprises and organizations in Ukraine in 2018 raised profit from ordinary activities before taxation by 23.6%, to UAH 353 billion, while in 2017 the figure was UAH 285.6 billion, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
According to the service, in 2018, profitable Ukrainian enterprises received UAH 579.96 billion of profit, which is 4.1% more than in 2017.
At the same time, 22.9% of enterprises posted a negative financial result. Their losses in 2018 decreased by 16.4% compared to 2017, to UAH 227 billion.

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The net profit of First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB, Kyiv) in 2018 totaled UAH 2 billion, which is a 2.8-fold rise compared with 2017, FUIB Board Chairman Serhiy Chernenko has said. “The bank has never seen such business efficiency in the entire history of the bank. We earned a record amount of profit,” the banker said at a press conference in Kyiv on Monday.
According to him, with such indicators, FUIB became the fourth bank in Ukraine in terms of profit for 2018.
Operating income of the bank after the creation of reserves amounted to UAH 5.7 billion, which is 50% more compared to the same period last year. FUIB during 2018 created reserves in the amount of UAH 0.5 billion. Compared to 2017, this indicator more than doubled due to the fact that the bank has almost completely resolved the issue of troubled debt, the banker said.
According to the results of 2018, the net interest income of FUIB increased by UAH 1.1 billion and amounted to UAH 4.1 billion. Net commission income of the bank in 2018 increased 27% and amounted to UAH 1.5 billion.
In 2018, FUIB’s net assets amounted to UAH 49.9 billion. The corporate loans portfolio amounted to UAH 14.4 billion, loans issued to individuals – UAH 8.3 billion.
The bank’s capital in 2018 increased by 31.5% and amounted to UAH 6.3 billion.
FUIB was founded in 1991. Its largest shareholder is Rinat Akhmetov (indirectly 99.901045%).
According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of January 1, 2019, FUIB ranked eighth (UAH 59.32 billion) in terms of total assets among the 77 banks operating in the country.



National joint-stock company Naftogaz Ukrainy in 2018 cut its net profit by 64.3% or UAH 24.532 billion compared with 2017, to UAH 13.613 billion, according to consolidated statements of the group published on Tuesday.
According to the press service of Naftogaz, the reduction in the size of the net profit was due to the fact that the company’s financial statements for 2017 showed the positive results of the decisions of the Stockholm arbitration in the amount of UAH 12.6 billion. The statements for 2018, in turn, accounted for VAT recognized by Naftogaz in accordance with the decision of the arbitration on gas transit in the amount of UAH 4.8 billion. The reduction in profits by another UAH 10.1 billion was also affected by the security of lawsuits. Most of this amount (UAH 9.6 billion) was secured in a lawsuit with involvement of JSC Ukrtransgaz for covering misbalances in the gas transmission system (GTS).
According to the document audited by Deloitte, the net sales income for 2018 increased 9.1% or UAH 17.012 billion, to UAH 204.938 billion, gross profit – by 11.5% or UAH 4.749 billion, to UAH 46.038 billion.
Income was received: from the transit of natural gas (UAH 72.347 billion); sales to gas supplying enterprises for the needs of households (UAH 56.245 billion); deliveries to heat producers for households (UAH 25.986 billion); deliveries to other consumers under public servicing obligations (PSO, UAH 16.319 billion); deliveries to other consumers beyond PSO (UAH 33.537 billion); and other (UAH 504.634 million).



The volume of premiums received by Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) in 2018 amounted to EUR9.7 billion, which is 3% more than a year before, and pretax profit was EUR485 million (up by 10%), according to the website of Globus insurer (Kyiv), part of the group. According to the report, the combined ratio at the end of last year was 96% (a decrease of 0.7 percentage points), the solvency ratio stood at 239% (an increase of 19 percentage points), while financial result was EUR1.037 billion (12% more).
The report also notes that the group intends to use its high capitalization for further growth. VIG’s supervisory board approved the board’s proposal to increase dividends from EUR0.90 to EUR1 per share.
As reported, Vienna Insurance Group in Ukraine is represented by four insurance companies: Globus, Ukrainian Insurance Group, Kniazha Vienna Insurance Group and Kniazha Life Vienna Insurance Group.
