From Monday, July 11, 2022, the norms of the anti-tobacco law 1978-IX come into force in Ukraine, providing for a ban on smoking tobacco products for heating (TIEN) in places specified by law along with cigarettes, hookahs and e-cigarettes (smoking of which prohibited since 2012).
As reported on the website of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the law also prohibits “smoking rooms” in the premises of enterprises of all forms of ownership and empowers local governments to establish additional smoking-free places.
“Thanks to the broad public support for anti-tobacco measures in Ukraine, there is a high level of compliance with smoke-free legislation. The State Food and Consumer Service is ready to respond to consumer complaints about cases of smoking or using tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, hookahs, and now devices for heating tobacco in prohibited places,” the agency quotes Yury Sakhno, his chief specialist of the Department for Control over Advertising and Compliance with Anti-Smoking Legislation.
The State Food and Consumer Service clarified that a complaint about smoking in a place prohibited by law can be filed through the official web portal of the department, including from a mobile phone. Smoking in places prohibited by law is the responsibility of both smokers-violators and business entities in the premises or on whose territory the offense is committed.
In turn, the head of the parliamentary committee of the nation’s health, medical care and medical insurance, Mikhail Radutsky, said in Telegram that for violating the ban for a citizen, the law that comes into force provides for a fine of UAH 51-350, for public catering establishments – UAH 3-15 thousand.
The law also provides for a ban on the sale of tobacco products, items related to their use, herbal products for smoking, electronic cigarettes, refill containers, devices for consuming tobacco products without burning them to persons under 18 years of age. Increased fines for selling tobacco products, electronic cigarettes and liquids to minors.
Radutsky noted that the adopted law brings Ukraine closer to European legislation. “We comply with the requirements of Directive 2014/40/EU and the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. Accordingly, the law is another step towards European integration. heating (80% of respondents) and the sale of devices for heating tobacco and electronic cigarettes to minors (92%),” he wrote.
At the same time, according to the head of the committee, the study shows that compared to 2020, in 2022 the number of daily smokers in Ukraine increased from 23.1% to 28.3%. “The main reason is the war. Those who quit many years ago start smoking. At present, we can only perceive this as an unfortunate fact. But I hope that in the future it will be possible to reverse the negative trend, encourage people to find other tools to neutralize negative emotions and stress,” – added Radutsky.
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