Business news from Ukraine

Uzhhorod is most expensive city in Ukraine in terms of rental housing costs

Uzhhorod is now the most expensive city in Ukraine in terms of rental housing costs, followed by Lviv and Kyiv, according to the LUN real estate portal.

“In the first two years of the war, Lviv was considered the most expensive city for renting apartments, but now the situation has changed. In July, Uzhhorod became the most expensive city – a one-bedroom apartment here costs an average of UAH 17.7 thousand per month. This is more expensive than in the capital or in Lviv,” the press release says.

According to LUN, the average cost of renting a 1-room apartment in Lviv as of July is 16.5 thousand UAH/month, in Kyiv – 15 thousand UAH/month.

Next in the ranking are Chernivtsi – 12.3 thousand UAH/month on average for renting a one-bedroom apartment, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kropyvnytskyi, Poltava, Rivne – 12 thousand UAH/month, Cherkasy – 10 thousand UAH/month, Khmelnytskyi – 9.5 thousand UAH/month, Ternopil – 9.4 thousand UAH/month.

“LUN” notes that Odesa, which was previously expensive for renting housing, now ranks 14th with 7 thousand UAH/month. The lowest prices are generally recorded in cities that are close to the frontline and suffer from military operations: Chernihiv (5.8 thousand UAH/month), Zaporizhzhia, Sumy (5.5 thousand UAH/month), Mykolaiv (5 thousand UAH/month), Kharkiv and Kherson (4 thousand UAH/month).

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