Business news from Ukraine

Business news from Ukraine

Former Kyiv plant Rosinka sold at auction

The former Rosinka plant in Kiev was sold together with its property at two auctions for a total of UAH 138.5m.

According to information on the site “Prozorro.Sales”, on August 3, an auction was held to sell part of the plant’s property with a starting price of UAH 11.1 million, and on August 9 – the rest of the property for UAH 108.5 million.

The winner of both auctions was Kyiv Plant Rosinka LLC, which offered UAH 23 million at the first auction and UAH 115.5 million at the second.

According to Opendatabot, the owner of the company is the Cypriot Alviva Group Ltd, the beneficiary of which is the former deputy of Kyiv Council Vyacheslav Suprunenko.

The total area of the property complex of the plant is 22.5 thousand square meters. m.

Auctions were organized within the framework of the liquidation of PJSC “Rosinka”, declared bankrupt by the ruling of the economic court of Vinnytsia region in 2018.

As reported, in March 2023, LLC “Financial Company Rickard” acquired at auction the right of claim under the loan agreement of the liquidated MR Bank (formerly – Sberbank, Kiev) with collateral in the form of Kiev plant “Rosinka” with equipment for 129.7 million UAH.