Business news from Ukraine

Italian Intesa Sanpaolo Group to increase capital of Pravex Bank by 100%

Italian Intesa Sanpaolo Group, one of the leading banking groups in Europe, has decided to increase the capital of its 100% Ukrainian subsidiary PRAVEX Bank by UAH 1.1 billion at the expense of additional shareholder contributions after the National Bank of Ukraine announced the need to recapitalize the bank earlier this year.

“The capital increase is an additional support to ensure financial stability and increase the capital level of PRAVEX Bank. The strategic decision of the shareholder will have a significant positive impact on PRAVEX Bank’s capital ratios, maintaining liquidity, financial stability and reliability of the institution for all stakeholders,” PRAVEX Bank said on Monday.

The recapitalization will also strengthen the ability to withstand the risks faced by PRAVEX Bank and its customers in the event of a full-scale invasion, the financial institution added.

It is specified that Intesa made this decision on March 28.

The bank recalled that Intesa Sanpaolo Group has always provided full support to its Ukrainian subsidiary, which was demonstrated in various crisis periods in previous years, starting in 2008.

Pravex-Bank was founded in 1992. Its sole shareholder since June 2008 is Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. (Italy).

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, as of February 1, 2024, PRAVEX-Bank ranked 27th among 63 banks operating in the country in terms of total assets (UAH 10.96 billion). Its authorized capital amounted to UAH 979.09 million, and its equity capital was UAH 1 billion 14.87 million.

Last year, the bank’s net loss decreased to UAH 92.9 million from UAH 415.2 million a year earlier. Last year, PRAVEX Bank’s assets increased from UAH 10.55 billion to UAH 11.23 billion, while its reserves decreased from UAH 0.34 billion to UAH 0.27 billion.

In early January of this year, the NBU announced the need to recapitalize state-owned Ukreximbank, Pravex Bank and MTB Bank by a total of UAH 10 billion based on the results of an assessment of their sustainability for the next three years under the baseline macroeconomic scenario.

According to the data provided by the NBU, after assessing the quality of assets and the acceptability of collateral for credit transactions, taking into account adjustments, the regulatory capital adequacy (N2) of Ukreximbank was 5.93% as of April 1, 2023, with a minimum of 10%, and core capital (N3) was 2.98% with a minimum of 7%. For MTB, these figures were 7.71% and 6%, respectively, and for PRAVEX Bank – 15.61% and 14.39%.

At the same time, according to the NBU, PRAVEX Bank’s capital would have become negative from the second year under the baseline macro scenario, and in the third year its adequacy ratios would have fallen to minus 16.51%. In the case of MTB, the capital would have gone into a slight negative in the first year, and in the third year, its adequacy ratios would have deteriorated to minus 4.15%.

For Ukreximbank, the ratios would have fallen from minus 3.67% to minus 8.04% over three years.

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